LMS is a project Learning Management System for developing and realising web-based e-learning. The software allows learners to develop their skills, while making the learning process independent of time and place.
- JAVA: 1.8.0.
- ECLIPSE EE IDE: 2020-06 or other.
- SERVER: Apache Tomcat 7.0.0.
- For MySQL users: 5.7.23 or higher.
- Technology JavaEE
- Database MySQL.
- Chat.
- JSTL - JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library
- Apache Commons FileUpload - For uploading files
- Apache Commons
- JSON - JSON Library. Used for storing configuration
- Mysql Connector - for connceting to database
- Apache Tomcat
1. Download zip from the link below:.
2. Extract the contents of zip, open Eclipse EE IDE and import the project .
3. Configuration database.
Import lms.sql file and open the ../src/lms/dao/dao.properties and ../../WEB-INF/taglibs.jsp files using editors and set your configs variable.
4. Run the project on server Tomcat 7.
You can directly login as Admin .
> *http://localhost:8080/LMSprojet/login.jsp*
Username | Password |
Admin | Admin |
Etudiant | Etudiant |
Tuteur | Tuteur |
Auteur | Auteur |
Responsable | Responsable |
LMS is a truly opensource E-Learning which will always be free under the MIT License.
Email : productivityrosisoft@gmail.com