An example website focussing on climate change for my formative assessment of the programming gold module (year 1 term 1)
This site includes:
- Multiple dedicated pages
- Favicons!
- Dynamic colour themes for light and dark colour themes
- Data visualisation using choropleths made with D3
Please also note, there may be some parts of the site that while visually are correct, the content doesn't really make any sense; such as dates that don't exist. Unless grammatical, this is intentional.
This site using the bootstrap framework, with extra help from the popper.js
library. To use this site, run:
npm install
then open index.html. Alternatively visit the website
This would not have been possible without:
- Data from Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2020) - "CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions". Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource]. Dataset has been pruned to only use the most recent data
- The bootstrap documentation
- Photographs:
- "A meeting"
- "IMO Meeting"
- "Our 2019 annual conference"
- People are from thispersondoesnotexist, and is a photo generated by StyleGAN2
- arXiv for indexing their articles incrementally
- Fake name generator for giving me random names of "people"