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Room Behaviours

Pavlo Klymentenko edited this page Jul 24, 2024 · 4 revisions


Welcome to the Room Behaviours wiki page. This page includes useful links to understatnd he concept of Room Behaviours feature and explanation to existing ones in the application.
- Room Behaviour is a feature that allows he select special lbehaviour for current room to fit user needs, it includes special behaviour for systems like Videochat, Social Circles, Avatars, Hubs etc. It means that insead of manual setup each system parameters user can select pre-setup pattern of Room Behaviour.
- Hub is a virtual room that allows for users to see each other only in context of particular Hub and don't see anything else from other Hubs. User always can jump to any public Hub or private one if has an inviation.
- Group is a template which can be used to create a hub wih special parameters or without. Group always has owner and other participants. It can be used to create a private Hub with people that can see each other and nobody else can join them without an invitation.


Miro Board

How to start?

Create room with Room Behaviours

  1. Enter "My Rooms" tab.
  2. Press "New Room" button.
  3. Select tag of desired Room Behaviour and choose room template from available options.
  4. Press "Create Room" button to complete creation process.

Create room and set desired Room Behaviour

  1. Create room with any possible way or open existing room which is owned by you.
  2. Open "Room Settings" window.
  3. Choose "Video Chat" tab.
  4. Scroll down till the "Room Behaviour" dropdown and choose desired behaviour.
  5. After selection room will be restarted.


Classic behaviour provides the common case of Roomful app using. Room can have any kind of Social Circles, users automatically connects to Hub with available slots (up to 50 people in 1 Hub).

Breakout Sessions

This behaviour fits well for room with more than 1 Social Circle and has a big space. The difference from Classic mode is: when user joins Videochat - automatically joins specially created Hub for current Videochat to see all the participants and their reactions.


This behaviour perfectly fits for quick meetings around the table. User just takes a sit on chair near another avatar and automatically joins dedicated videochat with opponent. If user is looking for chat - he sis on char near the table and waits the opponent to join him; oruser can join another user that already took a sit around the table.


This behaviour created to maintain school or universily class needs. To make this mode work each student should exist in at least one class (Hub that creaed from Group with type class) and teacher should has ownership of classrooms. When student joins classroom - automatically joins special Hub created from users' Classroom template, when teacher joins - allowed to choose if more than one class managed by this person (otherwise also automatically joins same Hub as students).


Great oportunity to spend fun time by singing songs with friends or random peolple. To make this behaviour work we need to create a Group and invite other users there. Group owner will moderate the process(start or stop Karaoke videochat, select singer etc). Singer choosed by moderator selects the song and starts singing, other users listen to his vocal and react with emotions. If any Hub created from Group where user invited is active - user will automatically joins it, but if more than 1 - user can manually join. If user participates in public Hub - anybody can start Karaoke videochat.

Spatial Audio

The most new behaviour that allows to have a voice chat with any user in Hub without doing a special action to start, but just get close enough and start a conversation. This is the most similar communication that we have in real life when person comes to another and starts a chat, closer person gets - better hears an oponent and vice versa.


The name of this behaviour talks for itself. It's very close to the Classic mode, but when Room Chat starts also stream starts and any user from any Hub can watch it withlout joining videochat.

Speed Dating

Perfect mode for quick inerviews between Recruiters and Candidates with 2, 5 or 10 min rounds. Candidates automatically shuffle between Recruiters and take places in front of opponent during active Speed Dating round. When rounds are over or it's a break round, candidate joins Public Room videochat.

How to become a recruiter
To become a Recruiter - open Groups window and create a Group with type Recruiters and name to represent the Group, add other recruiters on demand. Press "Go In" to join Hub of just created Group. Wait for candidates that will join the Hub to make Speed Dating rounds. When enough amount of people will be in the Hub - click "Start Dating" and Match will be started.

How to become a candidate
Join any room that has Speed Dating, when user enters the room - "Hubs" view appears on the left with all available Hubs where people communicate. Choose Hub with desired company name and join Public Room Chat. Wait till the next Speed Dating match. User will join it automatically and will make interview rounds with different recruiters. When Match is finished - everybody return to Public Room Chat again (to the start of the cycle).