This is nothing more than a wrapper around A fantastic easy to use lib for the rasberry pi.
It will require the library listed above, and expects the headers from that lib to be in /usr/local/include, and he lib itself in /usr/local/lib.
As this uses scons, and I have little understanding of it, I simply copied the file to the proper location.
Well, I no longer consider this just a "simple" wrapper around rpi_ws281x. It now provides some of the same features you see in higher level languages.
Soon I will be renaming this Lib as it no longer reflects what it does. Now the Ws2811 Wrapper supports , thats correct, this lib will properly control most of the popular matrix boards on the market. This is exciting as the ws2811 based LEDS are expensive.
While the rpi_ws281x is a fantastic lib on its own, it does lack a bit of lets say user-friendliness. It has and always will be a base lib for others to build on. When I was looking to use this in my projects, I could not find a decent c++ lib that provided some of the same functionality I found in the Arduino world. As a result, several years ago I developed this for my own projects. Recently I have posted it here, hoping others will find it useful.
While most people it seems do not develop in c or c++, a few of us still prefer it and find it more comfortable. So what does this "wrapper" do?
- The most important feature is the Matrix support that is built in. I found when testing different matrix's that they all had different start spots. This wrapper, will overcome this. Please review the initStrip. Row 0, column 0, can be truly be achived.
- The underlying lib rpi_ws281x from that group of developers, has support for 2 channel's. This wrapper will take advantage of this, and manage the 2 channels programmatic.
- Many of the color conversion's you will need.
Outside of these 2 features, yea it is a wrapper around a fun lib to play with.