Flask Dashboard Visualizing IMDB Profile Statistics using Zingcharts
- Log Into your IMDB Account
- Navigate to 'Your Ratings'
- Click the 3 dots at the top and click 'Export' to download a .csv file
- Run viz-webapp.py
- In your browser, navigate to your localhost with port 5000: localhost:5000
- Upload your .csv file and click 'Visualize'!
- My personal ratings.csv file is also supplied for testing purposes
To run get your ratings csv you will need to have an IMDB Account with at least 1 rated movie.
This system may be deployed to heroku for a live version of the site.
- Rohan Dawar - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- README.md template from PurpleBooth