This project is a hobby project to find out if we have traveled in this train beofore. It consists of multiple parts:
- TrainLocationEventSource - A simple daemon that connects to the realtime ZeroMQ interface of ndovloket to get train positions
- EventstoreDB - Stores the realtime information for further processing
To create:
- API and frontend to view train information
- API to register trips
- Workers to fetch information
- Telegram bot to provide user a simple and quick interface without the need for a browser?
To run the project locally, a docker-compose file has been created. This will build all the required projects and database dependencies.
To run:
docker compose up --build
Access Eventstore via http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/dashboard/ Please note that the database does not use any authentication and authorization (including ACLs) when running insecure.