Welcome freshers,
Welcome to Robotics Winter Camp-2023! The camp consists of learning an Image-Processing library named OpenCV and a simulator PyBullet and is organsised by the Robotics Club, IIT (BHU), Varanasi to facilitate learning about different components of image processing and its application in building robots capable of autonomous movement. The camp will be followed by a competiton 'La-Roboliga' where you can compete with others and get exciting prizes.
The camp will be conducted in two phases-
-WEEK 1- OpenCV + Python (Basics)
-WEEK 2- PyBullet
The tasks will be available in the GIT as soon as they are updated, regarding the submission you all will be informed.
Your Enthusiasm!!!!
Secondly you are expected to have a basic guide over Python language for which we are attaching resources below.
You are required to install Anaconda and setup the environment as shown in the video,
Good luck, and have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the WhatsApp group itself.