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File metadata and controls

218 lines (173 loc) · 9.98 KB

Infrastructure to use ROS 2 from a Bazel Workspace

This package encapsulates all the machinery to pull a ROS 2 workspace install space or a subset thereof as a Bazel repository. Both system-installed binary distributions and source builds can pulled in this way, whether symlink- or merged-installed.

A single repository rule, ros2_local_repository(), is the sole entrypoint. This rule heavily relies on two Python packages:

  • The cmake_tools Python package, which provides an idiomatic API to collect a CMake project's exported configuration (see Note 1).
  • The ros2bzl Python package, which provides tools to crawl a ROS 2 workspace install space, collects CMake packages' exported configuration, collect Python packages' egg metadata, symlink relevant directories and files, and generates a root BUILD.bazel file that recreates the dependency graph in the workspace. This package constitutes the backbone of the Python binary which ros2_local_repository() invokes.

Note 1 : rules_foreign_cc tooling was initially considered but later discarded, as it serves a fundamentally different purpose. This infrastructure does not build CMake projects within Bazel (like rules_foreign_cc does), it exposes the artifacts and build configuration of pre-installed CMake projects for Bazel packages to depend on.

Repository Layout

A ROS 2 local repository has the following layout:

  ├── BUILD.bazel
  ├── rmw_isolation
  │   └── BUILD.bazel
  ├── distro.bzl
  ├── common.bzl
  ├── ros_cc.bzl
  ├── ros_py.bzl
  └── rosidl.bzl

Note that all files and subdirectories that are mere implementation details have been excluded from this layout.


For each package in the underlying ROS 2 workspace install space, depending on the artifacts it generates, the following targets may be found at the root BUILD.bazel file:

  • A <package_name>_share filegroup for files in the <package_prefix>/share directory but excluding those files that are build system specific.
  • A <package_name>_cc C/C++ library for C++ libraries, typically found in the <package_prefix>/lib directory. In addition to headers, compiler flags, linker flags, etc., C/C++ library targets for upstream packages that are immediate dependencies are declared as dependencies themselves.
  • A <package_name>_py Python library for Python eggs in the <package_prefix>/lib/python*/site-packages directory. All Python library targets for upstream packages that are immediate dependencies are declared as dependencies themselves.
  • A <package_name>_defs filegroup for interface definition files (.msg, .srv, .action, and .idl files) in the <package_prefix>/share directory.
  • A <package_name>_c C/C++ library for C libraries. Typically an alias of the <package>_cc target if C and C++ libraries cannot be told apart.
  • A <package_name>_transitive_py Python library if the package does not install any Python libraries but it depends on (and it is a dependency of) packages that do. This helps maintain the dependency graph (as Python library targets can only depend on other Python library targets).
  • A <package_name>_<executable_name> Python binary for each executable installed at the package-level (i.e. under lib/<package_name>, where ros2 run can find them).
  • An <executable_name> Python binary wrapper for each executable of any kind (Python, shell script, compiled binary, etc.) installed under the <package_prefix>/bin directory (and thus accessible via $PATH when sourcing the workspace install space). These executables are exposed as Python binaries for simplicty.


To build C++ binaries and tests that depend on ROS 2, ros_cc_binary and ros_cc_test rules are available in the ros_cc.bzl file. These rules, equivalent to the native cc_binary and cc_test rules, ensure these binaries run in an environment that is tightly coupled with the underlying ROS 2 workspace install space.

To build Python binaries and tests that depend on ROS 2, ros_py_binary and ros_pytest rules are available in the ros_py.bzl file. These rules, equivalent to the native py_binary and py_test rules, ensure these binaries run in an environment that is tightly coupled with the underlying ROS 2 workspace install space.

To generate a Python or XML launch target, ros_launch is available in the ros_py.bzl file. Note that there are some nuances; pelase see the Launch Files section below.

To generate and build ROS 2 interfaces, a rosidl_interfaces_group rule is available in the rosidl.bzl file. This rule generates C++ and Python code for the given ROS 2 interface definition files and builds them using what is available in the ROS 2 workspace install space: code generators, interface definition translators, runtime dependencies, etc. Several targets are created, following strict naming conventions (e.g. C++ and Python interface libraries carry _cc and _py suffixes, respectively), though finer-grained control over what is generated and built can be achieved through other rules available in the same file. By default, these naming conventions allow downstream rosidl_interfaces_group rules to depend on upstream rosidl_interface_group rules.

Launch Files

An example of the ros_launch macro can be found under ros2_example_apps. Please note the following limitations:

  • Exposing a Bazel package as a ROS package has not yet been done. Once that is done, launch_ros.actions.Node / <node/> can be used.
  • For Python launch files, it is best to use Rlocation (as shown in the example) so that the launch file can be run via bazel run, bazel test, and ./bazel-bin (directly).
  • For XML launch files, we need to (somehow) expose either ROS packages or Rlocation. This needs to be done in a way that can be discovered by Parser.load_launch_extensions, which may require care to do so correctly in Bazel.


The rmw_isolation subpackage provides C++ and Python isolate_rmw_by_path APIs to enforce RMW network isolation. To that end, a unique path must be provided (such as Bazel's $TEST_TMPDIR).

DISCLAIMER : Isolation relies on rmw-specific configuration. Support is available for Tier 1 rmw implementations only. Collision rates are below 1% but not null. Use with care.


The distro.bzl file bears relevant ROS 2 workspace metadata for rules, tools, and downstream packages to use.



mvukov/rules_ros2 provides an elegant way of manually mapping a vcstool, e.g. ros2.repos, onto a custom but simple manifest to then bootstrap into Bazel repository rules (and the corresponding BUILD files) to build from source.

Additionally, affordances are provided to leverage Python pip provisiong (via rules_python) and examples of Docker container integration (via rules_docker).

The benefit from this approach is being able to fully control the source build, configuration flags, etc., for ensuring a build is consistent and easily reconfigurable.

The (present) possible con to this approach is scalability. You must presently provide your own set of external {repo}.BUILD.bazel rules that reflect the ament operations expressed in CMake. Until the ament / ROS 2 build ecosystem provides scaffolding or affordances for Bazel tooling, and until packages provide their own (tested) Bazel tooling, this may be a tall (but certainly tractable) hill to climb.

Additionally, some entry points need to be reflected into the codebase (e.g., which provides for nice flexibility, but at the cost of duplication / redundancy w.r.t. upstream.


ApexAI/rules_ros is another great method of ingesting ROS 2 into a Bazel-ified workflow. At present, it has a vcstool-like manifest of repositories that will be used to fetch packages and build them from source.

The pros and cons to this approach are similar to mvukov/rules_ros2.

This Repository (RobotLocomotion/drake-ros/bazel_ros2_rules)

RobotLocomotion/drake-ros/bazel_ros2_rules leverages a prebuilt workspace, be it from a local path, a tarball, or some other Bazel repository_rule provenance (e.g. RobotLocomotion/bazel-external-data.

The pro is that only scraping needs to be done of CMake metadata, and thus can be more scalable, especially for complex package ecosystems like RViz2 related things.

The con is that this scraping can be slow, is currently in the analysis phase, and does not admit source-level configurability.


From the above two examples (at present), the following features are in RobotLocomotion/bazel_ros2_rules that may be missing from the others:

  • Host-based isolation (see rmw_isolation tooling here)
  • Ament index analysis (e.g. using ros2 interface list in Bazel and seeing your custom types)
  • Examples leverage RViz from within a Bazel workspace
  • Examples include Python bindings (via pybind11) against other C++ libraries that have their own bindings - e.g., Drake.
    • There is some affordance for leveraging pybind11 against ROS 2 RMW libraries. However, because the Python bindings do not leverage C++ directly, but instead leverage the C-level interfaces, we get into an awkward ground of mutually exclusive memory / resource management paradigms.

The other repos, however, have the following that bazel_ros2_rules is missing:

  • Launching from containers (Docker, Apptainer)

Some common features might be:

  • Bazel affordances for ros2 launch