This is a Rails app that helps RailsBridge workshop organizers plan their events. We also use it as a teaching tool and an open-source community testbed.
The feature set is currently pretty minimal - definitely pre-alpha. Eventually, we'd like to fill out the organizer feature set, initially for volunteers to sign up and help organizers know who is coming and what they can do, later to incorporate ways for organizers follow up with students and volunteers.
Please join the google group and send a quick note introducing yourself.
Then, have a look at our feature backlog. Pick an issue to work on, fork the project, and then make your changes and send a pull request.
You'll need rvm. We're using Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.1, and there's an .rvmrc
file which should help make sure you are using the right Ruby version.
Note: change git clone
below to be your repo.
git clone
cd bridge_troll
bundle install
# if you get an error and don't have a bundler installed run: gem install bundler
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rails s
Go to http://localhost:3000/ and you can play with the app.
You will need to install phantomjs for tests to run successfully. On OSX with Homebrew, try
brew update
brew install phantomjs
Then you can run tests by doing