mraylib is a C++23 pure algorithmic ray tracing library.
mraylib focuses on following:
- Design by contract [WIP]
- Independent of Execution Context (use Senders/Receivers)
- Pure Algorithmic
I started mraylib as an exercise of trying to write something real with what I felt is good code. Any feedbacks or contribution in this direction is highly appreciated.
I have seen many ray tracers that written for thread pool or single thread or cuda. However, I wanted this ray tracer to be independent of execution context. This needed a good abstraction over exeuctors. P2300 is a good proposal for the same. mraylib depends on stdexec (an implementation of P2300) algorithms for its execution.
Library assumes stdexec to be present while compilation.
mraylib algorithms depends on concepts (requirements) instead of depending
on concrete types. For example render algorithm depends on OutputRandomAccessImage
concept instead of depending on any specific image implementation.
A library user can use any type that satisfies these concepts for algorithms.
#include "mraylib.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace mrl;
int main() {
// Configure Execution Context
auto const num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
auto th_pool = thread_pool{num_threads};
auto sch = th_pool.get_scheduler();
// Configure camera (how we look into the world)
camera_t camera{
.focus_distance = 10.0,
.vertical_fov = degrees(20),
.defocus_angle = degrees(0.0),
camera_orientation_t camera_orientation{
.look_from = {13, 2, 3},
.look_at = point3(0, 0, 0),
.up_dir = direction_t{0, 1, 0},
// Defining the world
using any_object = any_object_t<decltype(sch)>;
std::vector<any_object> world;
dielectric mat1(1.5);
lambertian_t mat2(color_t{0.4, 0.2, 0.1});
metal_t mat3(color_t{0.7, 0.6, 0.5});
auto checker = lambertian_t{
checker_texture{0.32, solid_color_texture{from_rgb(38, 39, 41)},
solid_color_texture{color_t{.9, .9, .9}}}};
world.push_back(shape_object{sphere{1.0, point3{0, 1, 0}}, mat1});
world.push_back(shape_object{sphere{1.0, point3{-4, 1, 0}}, mat2});
world.push_back(shape_object{sphere{1.0, point3{4, 1, 0}}, mat3});
world.push_back(shape_object{sphere{1000.0, point3{0, -1000, 0}}, checker});
// Acceleration structure for handling large number of objects
bvh_t<any_object> bvh{std::move(world)};
// Defining Image
aspect_ratio_t ratio{16, 9};
auto img_width = 600;
auto img_height = image_height(ratio, img_width);
in_memory_image img{img_width, img_height};
auto path = std::getenv("HOME") + std::string{"/readme.ppm"};
std::ofstream os(path, std::ios::out);
// Actually run the algorithm
auto background = color_t{0.7, 0.8, 1.0};
auto cur_time = static_cast<unsigned long>(
img_renderer_t renderer(camera, camera_orientation, background, sch,
stdexec::sync_wait(renderer.render(bvh, img));
write_ppm_img(os, img);
Some examples with different features can be found in examples/
Add stdexec to include path. (stdexec is not there in conan center, contribution for handling it through cmake would be appreciated). Then execute:
Docs can be found in doc/
- Explore more in terms of parallelism
- Explore more in terms of acceleration structures
- Explore more in terms of improving codebase and improving code in terms of design by contract without degrading performance
- Performance optimizations
Any contribution in these directions are highly appreciated.