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Rick Hightower edited this page Jul 16, 2023 · 1 revision


class diagram


The ModelListResponseDeserializer class provides methods to deserialize a JSON string into a ModelListResponse object.

public static ModelListResponse deserialize(final String json)

public static ModelListResponse deserialize(final String json) {
    final ModelListResponse.Builder builder = ModelListResponse.builder();
    final JsonParser jsonParser = JsonParserBuilder.builder().build();
    final ObjectNode objectNode = jsonParser.parse(json).getObjectNode();
    final List<ModelData> data = objectNode.getArrayNode("data").mapObjectNode(node -> ModelData.builder().id(node.getString("id")).ownedBy(node.getString("owned_by")).object(node.getString("object")).permission(node.getArrayNode("permission")).build());;

The deserialize method in the ModelListResponseDeserializer class is used to deserialize a JSON string into a ModelListResponse object.

Here is a step-by-step description of what the method is doing:

  1. The method takes in a JSON string as input.

  2. A builder object of ModelListResponse is created using the Builder class.

  3. An instance of JsonParser is created using the JsonParserBuilder class. This is used to parse the JSON string.

  4. The JSON string is parsed into an ObjectNode using the jsonParser.parse(json).getObjectNode() method.

  5. The object field of the ModelListResponse object is set using the objectNode.getString("object") method.

  6. The data field of the ModelListResponse object is deserialized from the JSON using the following steps: a. The data field in the JSON is accessed using the objectNode.getArrayNode("data") method. b. The mapObjectNode method is used to map each element of the array to a ModelData object. c. The attributes of each ModelData object (id, ownedBy, object, and permission) are set using the appropriate methods from the node object. d. The ModelData objects are collected into a List using the build() method of the ModelData.Builder class.

  7. The data field of the ModelListResponse builder object is set to the deserialized list of ModelData objects.

  8. The deserialized ModelListResponse object is built using the method.

  9. The deserialized ModelListResponse object is returned as the result of the method.

Note: This step-by-step description assumes that the classes ModelListResponse, ModelListResponse.Builder, ModelData, ModelData.Builder, JsonParserBuilder, JsonParser, and ObjectNode are defined in the corresponding package and properly imported. sequence diagram


The ModelData class represents model data.


The ModelDataDeserializer class is a utility class that provides a method for deserializing JSON into a ModelData object. This class allows for easy conversion of JSON data into a specific model representation. It is designed to simplify the process of parsing and extracting data from JSON payloads, making it more convenient for software engineers to work with serialized data.

public static ModelData deserialize(final String json)

public static ModelData deserialize(final String json) {
    final ModelData.Builder builder = ModelData.builder();
    final JsonParser jsonParser = JsonParserBuilder.builder().build();
    final ObjectNode node = jsonParser.parse(json).getObjectNode();

The deserialize method is defined in the class com.cloudurable.jai.model.model.ModelDataDeserializer. It takes a String parameter named json and returns a ModelData object.

Here is a step-by-step description of what the deserialize method is doing:

  1. The method starts by creating a new instance of the ModelData.Builder class, using the builder() method.

  2. It then creates a new instance of the JsonParser class using the JsonParserBuilder.builder().build() method.

  3. The jsonParser is used to parse the input json string and obtain an ObjectNode representation of the JSON structure. The parse method is called on the jsonParser object passing in the json string.

  4. The builder object is then used to set the values of various fields in the ModelData object based on the values obtained from the ObjectNode.

  5. First, the object field is set by calling the getString("object") method on the node object and passing in the key "object".

  6. Then, the id field is set by calling the getString("id") method on the node object and passing in the key "id".

  7. Next, the ownedBy field is set by calling the getString("owned_by") method on the node object and passing in the key "owned_by".

  8. The object field is set again by calling the getString("object") method on the node object and passing in the key "object". This line seems to be redundant.

  9. Finally, the permission field is set by calling the getArrayNode("permission") method on the node object and passing in the key "permission". The method returns an array of values, which is then assigned to the permission field.

  10. After setting all the necessary fields, the deserialize method returns the ModelData object by calling the build method on the builder object.

That's the step-by-step description of what the deserialize method is doing based on its body. sequence diagram


The ModelListResponse class represents a response containing a list of model data. It implements the Response interface.