Python scripts made at Typerepublic for Glyphs App font editor.
- Put this folder into the Scripts folder inside the app.
- Go to the Script menu and Reload Scripts.
- Install Tal Leming's Vanilla via Glyphs > Preferences > Addons > Modules (just because some scripts might need it).
Using git is very convenient for this kind of files. Use this git command and clone this repository either in the Scripts Folder or somewhere in your computer using an alias inside Glyphs' Scripts Folder.
In your terminal change your directory to the place you want to clone the repository in your local machine and write:
git clone
And use the pull command for updating it (while being inside the folder):
git pull
To run the scripts, please make sure you have a version of Glyphs App 2 (or later) as well as having macOS 10.9 or later.
As said previously, some scripts might need the module Vanilla for creating UI elements. Please, check how to install it above.
This group of scripts are the result of all the particular necessities we've encontoured at [Typerepublic] ( while developing different kind of projects. Please note that this started as a unique set of tools for very particular tasks we had to do during the development of our projects. Some scripts might do very similar tasks that others' are already doing but still we found it worth enough to share them with whoever might find them interesting and handy.
Check your app is up to date and you have the latest version of the script. For any other problem, please contact me at
Copyright 2020 Ricard Garcia.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use the software provided here except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
See the License file included in this repository for a more detailed description of it.