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Request Free Bundle

Revadike edited this page Jul 10, 2021 · 1 revision

POST /checkout/addfreebundle/:bundleid

Rate limits

No known rate limit


Authenticated: Yes

Method: POST


Path: /checkout/addfreebundle/:packageid


Name Type Description
bundleid number The Steam BundleID

Form Data:

Name Type Required Description
ajax boolean No Whether to return JSON or the full page HTML
sessionid string Yes The value of the sessionid cookie


200 OK

Name Type Description
[] array Returns empty array ([]) if successful
purchaseresultdetail number Enum PurchaseResultDetail
  • 0: NoDetail
  • 1: AVSFailure
  • 2: InsufficientFunds
  • 3: ContactSupport
  • 4: Timeout
  • 5: InvalidPackage
  • 6: InvalidPaymentMethod
  • 7: InvalidData
  • 8: OthersInProgress
  • 9: AlreadyPurchased
  • 10: WrongPrice
  • 11: FraudCheckFailed
  • 12: CancelledByUser
  • 13: RestrictedCountry
  • 14: BadActivationCode
  • 15: DuplicateActivationCode
  • 16: UseOtherPaymentMethod
  • 17: UseOtherFunctionSource
  • 18: InvalidShippingAddress
  • 19: RegionNotSupported
  • 20: AcctIsBlocked
  • 21: AcctNotVerified
  • 22: InvalidAccount
  • 23: StoreBillingCountryMismatch
  • 24: DoesNotOwnRequiredApp
  • 25: CanceledByNewTransaction
  • 26: ForceCanceledPending
  • 27: FailCurrencyTransProvider
  • 28: FailedCyberCafe
  • 29: NeedsPreApproval
  • 30: PreApprovalDenied
  • 31: WalletCurrencyMismatch
  • 32: EmailNotValidated
  • 33: ExpiredCard
  • 34: TransactionExpired
  • 35: WouldExceedMaxWallet
  • 36: MustLoginPS3AppForPurchase
  • 37: CannotShipToPOBox
  • 38: InsufficientInventory
  • 39: CannotGiftShippedGoods
  • 40: CannotShipInternationally
  • 41: BillingAgreementCancelled
  • 42: InvalidCoupon
  • 43: ExpiredCoupon
  • 44: AccountLocked
  • 45: OtherAbortableInProgress
  • 46: ExceededSteamLimit
  • 47: OverlappingPackagesInCart
  • 48: NoWallet
  • 49: NoCachedPaymentMethod
  • 50: CannotRedeemCodeFromClient
  • 51: PurchaseAmountNoSupportedByProvider
  • 52: OverlappingPackagesInPendingTransaction
  • 53: RateLimited
  • 54: OwnsExcludedApp
  • 55: CreditCardBinMismatchesType
  • 56: CartValueTooHigh
  • 57: BillingAgreementAlreadyExists
  • 58: POSACodeNotActivated
  • 59: CannotShipToCountry
  • 60: HungTransactionCancelled
  • 61: PaypalInternalError
  • 62: UnknownGlobalCollectError
  • 63: InvalidTaxAddress
  • 64: PhysicalProductLimitExceeded
  • 65: PurchaseCannotBeReplayed
  • 66: DelayedCompletion
  • 67: BundleTypeCannotBeGifted
  • 68: BlockedByUSGov
  • 69: ItemsReservedForCommercialUse
  • 70: GiftAlreadyOwned
  • 71: GiftInvalidForRecipientRegion
  • 72: GiftPricingImbalance
  • 73: GiftRecipientNotSpecified
  • 74: ItemsNotAllowedForCommercialUse
  • 75: BusinessStoreCountryCodeMismatch
  • 76: UserAssociatedWithManyCafes
  • 77: UserNotAssociatedWithCafe
  • 78: AddressInvalid
  • 79: CreditCardNumberInvalid
  • 80: CannotShipToMilitaryPostOffice
  • 81: BillingNameInvalidResemblesCreditCard
  • 82: PaymentMethodTemporarilyUnavailable
  • 83: PaymentMethodNotSupportedForProduct

403 Forbidden

Name Type Description
null object Returns null if bundle is not allowed.

404 Not Found

Name Type Description
null object Returns null if bundle is not found/valid.

500 Internal Server Error

Name Type Description
null object Returns null request was unsuccessful.


POST { sessionid: "a0b1c2d3e4f5g6h7i8j9klmn", ajax: true }
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