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1160 lines (748 loc) · 28.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1160 lines (748 loc) · 28.7 KB documentation

Table of content


This is the main library class


This function is a coroutine

Retrieve general beatmap information.

Function declaration :

async def get_beatmap(self, beatmapset_id = None, beatmap_id = None, user = None, type_str = None, mode = None, include_converted = None, hash_str = None)

If any of the parameters used returns more than one beatmap, the first one only will be returned.
If you want multiple beatmaps, use OsuApi.get_beatmaps() instead.

Parameters :

beatmapset_id     - specify a beatmapset_id to return metadata from.  

beatmap_id        - specify a beatmap_id to return metadata from.  

user              - specify a user_id or a username to return metadata from.  

type_str          - specify if 'user' is a user_id or a username.  
                    Use `string` for usernames or `id` for user_ids.
                    Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
                    (may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).  

mode              - mode (0 = osu!, 1 = Taiko, 2 = CtB, 3 = osu!mania).
                    Optional, maps of all modes are returned by default.  

include_converted - specify whether converted beatmaps are included
                    (0 = not included, 1 = included).
                    Only has an effect if 'mode' is chosen and not 0.
                    Converted maps show their converted difficulty rating.
                    Optional, default is 0.  

hash_str          - the beatmap hash. It can be used, for instance,
                    if you're trying to get what beatmap has a replay played in,
                    as .osr replays only provide beatmap hashes
                    (example of hash: a5b99395a42bd55bc5eb1d2411cbdf8b).
                    Optional, by default all beatmaps are returned independently from the hash.

-> Returns a Beatmap model, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Retrieve general beatmap information.

Function declaration :

async def get_beatmaps(self, limit = None, since = None, type_str = None, beatmapset_id = None, include_converted = None, user = None, mode = None)

Do note that requesting a beatmap collection is way faster than requesting beatmap by beatmap (and requires only only one api request)

Parameters :

limit             - amount of results. Optional, default and maximum are 500.

since             - return all beatmaps ranked or loved since this date.  
                    Must be a MySQL date.  

beatmapset_id     - specify a beatmapset_id to return metadata from.  

user              - specify a user_id or a username to return metadata from.

type_str          - specify if 'user' is a user_id or a username.
                    Use `string` for usernames or `id` for user_ids.
                    Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
                    (may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

mode              - mode see GameMode enum.  
                    Optional, maps of all modes are returned by default.

include_converted - specify whether converted beatmaps are included
                    (0 = not included, 1 = included).
                    Only has an effect if 'mode' is chosen and not 0.
                    Converted maps show their converted difficulty rating.
                    Optional, default is 0.

-> Returns a BeatmapCollection collection, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Retrieve .osu beatmap file

Function declaration :

async def get_beatmap_file(self, beatmap_id)

This function doesn't use any api request.
Fetching a BeatmapFile model is way heavier than a classic Beatmap model (3Kb to 1Mb) since it contains the beatmap file.
If you don't really need it, don't use it !

Parameters :

beatmap_id - the beatmap ID (not beatmap set ID!) (required).

-> Returns a BeatmapFile model, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Retrieve general user information.

Function declaration :

async def get_user(self, user, mode = None, type_str = None, event_days = None)

Parameters :

user       - specify a user_id or a username to return metadata from (required).

mode       - mode, see GameMode enum
             Optional, default value is 0.

type_str   - specify if u is a user_id or a username.
             Use `string` for usernames or `id` for user_ids.
             Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
             (may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

event_days - Max number of days between now and last event date.  
             Range of 1-31. Optional, default value is 1.

-> Returns a User model, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Retrieve information about the top 100 scores of a specified beatmap.

Function declaration :

async def get_score(self, beatmap_id, user = None, mode = None, type_str = None)

If any of the parameters used returns more than one score, only the first one will be returned.
If you want multiple scores use OsuApi.get_scores() instead

Parameters :

beatmap_id - specify a beatmap_id to return metadata from. (required)

user       - specify a user_id or a username to return metadata from.

type_str   - specify if 'user' is a user_id or a username.
             Use `string` for usernames or `id` for user_ids.
             Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
             (may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

mode       - mode, see GameMode enum
             Optional, maps of all modes are returned by default.

-> Returns a Score model, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Retrieve information about the top 100 scores of a specified beatmap.

Function declaration :

async def get_scores(self, beatmap_id, user = None, mode = None, mods = None, type_str = None, limit = None)

Do note that requesting a score collection is way faster than requesting score by score (and requires only only one api request)

Parameters :

beatmap_id - specify a beatmap_id to return score information from (required).

user       - specify a user_id or a username to return score information for.

mode       - mode, see the GameMode enum
             Optional, default value is 0 (Osu).

mods       - specify a mod or mod combination (See the GameModifiers enum)

type_str   - specify if user is a user_id or a username.
             Use string for usernames or id for user_ids.
             Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
             (may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

limit      - amount of results from the top (range between 1 and 100 - defaults to 50).

-> Returns a ScoreCollection collection, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Get the top score for the specified user.

Function declaration :

async def get_user_best(self, user, mode = None, type_str = None)

If you want more than one user best use OsuApi.get_user_bests() instead.

Parameters :

user     - specify a user_id or a username to return best scores from (required).

mode     - mode, see the GameMode enum.
           Optional, default value is 0 (Osu).

type_str - specify if user is a user_id or a username.
           Use 'string' for usernames or 'id' for user_ids.
           Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
           may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

-> Returns a UserBest model, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Get the top scores for the specified user.

Function declaration :

async def get_user_bests(self, user, mode = None, type_str = None, limit = None)

Parameters :

user       - specify a user_id or a username to return best scores from (required).

mode       - mode, see the GameMode enum
             Optional, default value is 0 (Osu).

type_str   - specify if user is a user_id or a username.
             Use 'string' for usernames or 'id' for user_ids.
             Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
             (may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

limit      - amount of results from the top (range between 1 and 100 - defaults to 50).

-> Returns a UserBestCollection collection, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Gets the user's most recent play over the last 24 hours.

Function declaration :

async def get_user_recent(self, user, mode = None, type_str = None)

If you want more than one user recent use OsuApi.get_user_recent() instead.

Parameters :

user     - specify a user_id or a username to return best scores from (required).

mode     - mode, see the GameMode enum
           Optional, default value is 0 (Osu).

type_str - specify if user is a user_id or a username.
           Use 'string' for usernames or 'id' for user_ids.
           Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
           may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

-> Returns a UserRecent model, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Gets the user's most recent plays over the last 24 hours.

Function declaration :

async def get_user_recents(self, user, mode = None, type_str = None, limit = None)

Parameters :

user       - specify a user_id or a username to return best scores from (required).

mode       - mode, see the GameMode enum
             Optional, default value is 0 (Osu).

type_str   - specify if user is a user_id or a username.
             Use 'string' for usernames or 'id' for user_ids.
             Optional, default behavior is automatic recognition
             (may be problematic for usernames made up of digits only).

limit      - amount of results from the top (range between 1 and 100 - defaults to 50).

-> Returns a UserRecentCollection collection, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Get the replay data of a user's score on a map.

Function declaration :

async def get_replay(self, mode, beatmap_id, user)

Official doc :

Ref :
As this is quite a load-heavy request, it has special rules about rate limiting. You are only allowed to do 10 requests per minute. Also, please note that this request is not intended for batch retrievals.


mode        - the mode the score was played in (required)

beatmap_id  - the beatmap ID (not beatmap set ID!) in which the replay was played (required).

user        - the user that has played the beatmap (required).

-> Returns a Replay model, None if the request failed


This function is a coroutine

Retrieve information about multiplayer match.

Function declaration :

async def get_match(self, match_id)

Parameters :

match_id - match id to get information from (required).

-> Returns a MultiplayerMatch model, None if the request failed


Models are classes that represents a JSON response from the osu api
Every OsuApi method returns a model, empty or not


Metaclass : cannot be instantiated.

Fields :


Inherits from BaseModel

Represents a beatmap

Fields :

  • approved : BeatmapApprovedState

    Approved state of the beatmap

  • approved_date : str

    Date ranked, UTC+8 for now
    example : '2013-07-02 01:01:12'

  • last_update : str

    Last update date, timezone same as above.
    May be after approved_date if map was unranked and reranked.
    example : '2013-07-02 01:01:12'

  • artist : str

    Artist name of the song.

  • beatmap_id : int

    beatmap_id is per difficulty.

  • beatmapset_id : int

    beatmapset_id groups difficulties into a set.

  • bpm : float

    Beats per minute.

  • creator : str

    Creator of the beatmap.

  • difficultyrating : float

    The amount of stars the map would have ingame and on the website

  • diff_size : float

    Circle size value (CS)

  • diff_overall : float

    Overall difficulty (OD)

  • diff_approach : float

    Approach Rate (AR)

  • diff_drain : float

    Healthdrain (HP)

  • hit_length : float

    Seconds from first note to last note not including breaks

  • source : str

  • genre_id : BeatmapGenre

    Music genre of the beatmap

  • language_id : Language

    Language of the beatmap

  • title : str

    Song name

  • total_length : float

    Seconds from first note to last note including breaks

  • version : str

    Difficulty name

  • file_md5 : str

    md5 hash of the beatmap

  • mode : GameMode

    Game mode

  • tags : str

    Beatmap tags separated by spaces.

  • favourite_count : int

    Number of times the beatmap was favourited.

  • playcount : int

    Number of times the beatmap was played

  • passcount : int

    Number of times the beatmap was passed, completed (the user didn't fail or retry)

  • max_combo : int

    The maximum combo a user can reach playing this beatmap.

Methods :

  • get_beatmapset()

    Returns a BeatmapCollection containing the beatmapset of the current beatmap.


Inherits from BaseModel

Represents a beatmap .osu file
This model is way heavier than a classic Beatmap object (3Kb to 1Mb+) since it contains the beatmap file.
If you don't really need it, don't use it !

Fields :

  • content : str

    Actual content of the beatmap file

  • version : int

    Version of the beatmap file (useful for parsing)

Methods :

  • get_category(category_name : str) -> str

    Gets a file category

    Example :
    Calling get_category('Editor') on a file with version == 14 might return something like :

    DistanceSpacing: 0.9  
    BeatDivisor: 2  
    GridSize: 4  
    TimelineZoom: 1.399999  


Inherits from BaseModel

Represent users statistics

Fields :

  • user_id : int

  • username : str

  • count300 : int

  • count100 : int

  • count50 : int

  • playcount : int

    Only counts ranked, approved, and loved beatmaps

  • ranked_score : float

    Counts the best individual score on each ranked, approved, and loved beatmaps

  • total_score : float

    Counts every score on ranked, approved, and loved beatmaps

  • pp_rank : int

  • level : float

  • pp_raw : float

    For inactive players this will be 0 to purge them from leaderboards

  • accuracy : float

  • count_rank_ss : int

  • count_rank_ssh : int

  • count_rank_s : int

  • count_rank_sh : int

  • count_rank_a : int

  • country : str

    Uses the ISO3166-1 alpha-2 country code naming.
    See this for more information:

  • pp_country_rank : int

    The user's rank in the country.

  • events : list

    A list UserEvent for this user


Inherits from BaseModel

Represent a user event

Fields :

  • display_html : str

  • beatmap_id : int

  • beatmapset_id : int

  • date : str

  • epicfactor : int

    How "epic" this event is (between 1 and 32)


Inherits from BaseModel

Represent a user best score

Fields :

  • beatmap_id : int

  • score : float

  • maxcombo : int

  • count300 : int

  • count100 : int

  • count50 : int

  • countmiss : int

  • countkatu : int

  • countgeki : int

  • perfect : bool

    True = maximum combo of map reached, False otherwise

  • enabled_mods : int

    Bitwise flag representation of mods used.
    See reference GameModifiers

  • user_id : int

  • date : str

  • rank : str

  • pp : float

    Float value , 4 decimals


Inherits from BaseModel

Represent a user recent score

Fields :

  • beatmap_id : int

  • score : float

  • maxcombo : int

  • count300 : int

  • count100 : int

  • count50 : int

  • countmiss : int

  • countkatu : int

  • countgeki : int

  • perfect : bool

    True = maximum combo of map reached, False otherwise

  • enabled_mods : int

    Bitwise flag representation of mods used.
    See reference GameModifiers

  • user_id : int

  • date : str

  • rank : str


Inherits from BaseModel

Represents a score

Fields :

  • score_id : int

  • score : float

  • username : str

  • count300 : int

  • count100 : int

  • count50 : int

  • countmiss : int

  • maxcombo : int

  • countkatu : int

  • countgeki : int

  • perfect : bool

    True = maximum combo of map reached, False otherwise

  • enabled_mods : int

    Bitwise flag representation of mods used.
    See reference GameModifier

  • user_id : int

  • date : str

  • rank : str

  • pp : float

  • replay_available : ReplayAvailability

  • mode : int

Methods :

  • get_user_data(mode = None)

    Returns the data of the author of the score

    If the user has already been fetched once, the data will be reused and no request will be sent to the osu api.


Inherits from BaseModel

Replay model

Ref :
Note that the binary data you get when you decode above base64-string,
is not the contents of an .osr-file.
It is the LZMA stream referred to by the osu-wiki here:

The remaining data contains information about mouse movement and key
presses in an wikipedia:LZMA stream

Ref :
As this is quite a load-heavy request, it has special rules about rate limiting.
You are only allowed to do 10 requests per minute.
Also, please note that this request is not intended for batch retrievals.

Fields :

  • beatmap_id : int

  • encoding : str = "base64"

  • content : str

    base64-encoded replay

  • user : str

  • mode : GameMode

Methods :

  • get_beatmap(**parameters)

    Returns the beatmap's data of the replay

  • get_user(**parameters)

    Returns the user's data of the replay


Inherits from BaseModel

Multiplayer match model

Fields :

  • start_time: str

  • match_id : int

  • end_time : None

    Not supported yet - always None (Api side)

  • name : str

  • games : list

    A list of MultiplayerGame


Inherits from BaseModel

Multiplayer game model

Fields :


Inherits from BaseModel

Multiplayer score model

Fields :

  • slot : int

    0 based index of player's slot

  • team : MultiplayerTeam

    Player's team

  • user_id : int

  • score : int

  • maxcombo : int

  • rank : int

    Not used (Api side)

  • count50 : int

  • count100 : int

  • count300 : int

  • countmiss : int

  • countgeki : int

  • countkatu : int

  • perfect : bool

    Full combo

  • passed : bool

    Does the player passed the map at the end ?


Collections are classes that stores a list of specific model.
Some api functions might return a collection if there is multiple results to the request sent.
ex. OsuApi.get_beatmaps()


Metaclass : cannot be instanciated.
Inherits from list

Fields :

Functions :

  • append(item)
    Adds an item to the collection.


Inherits from BaseCollection

The BeatmapCollection.append() function is limited to the Beatmap type


Inherits from BaseCollection

The ScoreCollection.append() function is limited to the Score type


Inherits from BaseCollection

The UserBestCollection.append() function is limited to the UserBest type


Inherits from BaseCollection

The UserRecentCollection.append() function is limited to the UserRecent type



Beatmap music genre

Any         = 0
Unspecified = 1
Video_game  = 2
Anime       = 3
Rock        = 4
Pop         = 5
Other       = 6
Novelty     = 7
Hip_hop     = 9    #Note that there is no 8
Electronic  = 10


Beatmaps approved states

Graveyard = -2
WIP       = -1
Pending   = 0
Ranked    = 1
Approved  = 2
Qualified = 3
Loved     = 4


Game modes

Osu   = 0 #Std
Taiko = 1
Catch = 2 #Ctb
Mania = 3


Game mods.
Bitwise enum representing a combination of enabled mods.
Can be stacked using the | (pipe) operator Link to the official docs

none              = 0
NoFail            = 1 << 0
Easy              = 1 << 1
TouchDevice       = 1 << 2
Hidden            = 1 << 3
HardRock          = 1 << 4
SuddenDeath       = 1 << 5
DoubleTime        = 1 << 6
Relax             = 1 << 7
HalfTime          = 1 << 8
Nightcore         = 1 << 9  # Only set along with DoubleTime. i.e: NC only gives 576
Flashlight        = 1 << 10
Autoplay          = 1 << 11
SpunOut           = 1 << 12
Relax2            = 1 << 13 # Autopilot
Perfect           = 1 << 14 # Only set along with SuddenDeath. i.e: PF only gives 16416  
Key4              = 1 << 15
Key5              = 1 << 16
Key6              = 1 << 17
Key7              = 1 << 18
Key8              = 1 << 19
FadeIn            = 1 << 20
Random            = 1 << 21
Cinema            = 1 << 22
Target            = 1 << 23
Key9              = 1 << 24
KeyCoop           = 1 << 25
Key1              = 1 << 26
Key3              = 1 << 27
Key2              = 1 << 28
ScoreV2           = 1 << 29
LastMod           = 1 << 30
KeyMod            = Key1 | Key2 | Key3 | Key4 | Key5 | Key6 | Key7 | Key8 | Key9 | KeyCoop
FreeModAllowed    = NoFail | Easy | Hidden | HardRock | SuddenDeath | Flashlight | FadeIn | Relax | Relax2 | SpunOut | KeyMod
ScoreIncreaseMods = Hidden | HardRock | DoubleTime | Flashlight | FadeIn


Language id's

Any          = 0
Other        = 1
English      = 2
Japanese     = 3
Chinese      = 4
Instrumental = 5 #Yep ! Instrumental is a language :)
Korean       = 6
French       = 7
German       = 8
Swedish      = 9
Spanish      = 10
Italian      = 11


Multiplayer team

none = 0 # Teams where not supported this game
blue = 1
red  = 2


Availability states of a replay.
If you really want to, a boolean can be used instead

Unavailable = 0
Available   = 1


Multiplayer winning condition

score    = 0
accuracy = 1
combo    = 2
score_v2 = 3


Multiplayer team type

head_to_head = 0
tag_co_op    = 1
team_vs      = 2
tag_team_vs  = 3


Main library exceptions


Fields :

message : str
code    : int = 401

Exception raised by the osu API when the api key you provided is invalid.
To get a valid api key, follow this link.


Fields :

message : str
code    : int = 404 or 302

Exception raised when the route you asked for don't exists or gets redirected to another url.
This exception might be raised only if the api changes the valid paths.


Fields :

message : str
code    : int = 400

Exception raised when one of the argument sent to the api isn't valid. This exception should not be raised since all the arguments are processed by the library.


Fields :

message : str
code    : int

Exception raised when an unhandeled exception is raised by the osu api.


Fields :

message : str

Exception raised by the library if you are trying to call a shorthand function on a invalid instance of a model.


Fields :

    message : str
    code    : int = 400

Raised and handeled by the library when an unavaliable replay is requested.