This project has been deprecated, for further information on how to use Redis and Grafana:
Grafana Datasource for RedisTimeSeries
You can tryout the Grafana Datasource for RedisTimeSeries
with RedisTimeSeries and Grafana in a single docker compose
cd compose
docker-compose up
Grafana can be accessed on port 3000 (admin:admin)
A HTTP Server to serve metrics to Grafana via the simple-json-datasource
install SimpleJson data source:
in Grafana UI, go to Data Sources
Add data source
3.1 choose Name 3.2 Type:SimpleJson
3.3 URL: point to the URL for your 3.4 Access: direct (unless you are using a proxy) -
Query the datasource by a specific key, or * for a wildcard, for example:
To install the needed dependencies just run: pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
[--redis-server REDIS_SERVER]
[--redis-port REDIS_PORT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST server address to listen to
--port PORT port number to listen to
--redis-server REDIS_SERVER
redis server address
--redis-port REDIS_PORT
redis server port
Grafana uses UTC timestamps to query its datastores. This datastore will use the same timestamps to query Redis, which means that it assumes all timestamps are UTC based.