Red Hat Konflux purge frontend-starter-app #624
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Dec 11, 2024 in 1s
Build Canceled
The build canceled.
This is a normal build for the konflux-purge-frontend-starter-app branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build has two jobs, running in two sequential stages.
Stage 1: Lint
This stage canceled.
Job | Node.js | ENV | OS | State |
1951.1 | 18 | REPO="" | Linux | canceled |
Stage 2: Test
This stage canceled.
Job | Node.js | ENV | OS | State |
1951.2 | 18 | REPO="" | Linux | canceled |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Node.js |
Operating System | Linux (Focal) |
Node.js Version | 18 |
Build Configuration
"language": "node_js",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"sudo": true,
"notifications": {
"email": [
"enabled": false
"slack": [
"rooms": [
"secure": "juuizlfiQolXbqy4L2nfODB1K8xiSGvUrzsT3XeXIsQqX7yCYVvnRUssKLbqgLM9m85kgXJk1ef0qwjJoliNqGcrALTZLHPTkxWwTnV7tPEVS/4uQPSyy+DDHDwrTzCrF3qhCqyKJ6vB18z22qm3qLgStmNj4p1ZLznsdJR/u7U3spJ+WLL70QSNHCQy/5QjRDDiR3oqWdXjhVcUCeV+v/2CtfqK3dqYtzCL/b7z8lm/YbV6w1Rd8mwzTgLstbzjrvR/gq2IPALzzJTq1S8lXtV7ZtbYz4bjB8RNCRZFJrjBUH4CqD1oUskit4RRe+ilVs8qNQh0Tt3whsOdbJoRXJn2B/NVxppp2WGlODdsuMgfNh5iBocHKN3Qo4mONbstnHFG99Hr7L8GbUugJHEQlrZn1xRyO9ulyVp+hFp8/F088NNyhnd3+lERUPA5/4+HPQh6Ea+PyKq2TR41VoDGcRDBS4VY/6PfLEJzxEBjwRAAemfvtOFTUu2EocuAllPX1vMA4b1j7Wm+Bs7wft6nEcVdftVanfAgx4dNksnaS8zN9II8rdtBci2yXYJ6J+e+REDn/2IrHaUwr0N9BojYc0ePUElDcygW4Kk1oGklHp681j2zhi1Gt7rbuae1C9fD4QHnryx59uVH5NXqDsXI5EbwTJE3zvzRz9SzmyDqV5A="
"node_js": [
"install": [
"npm ci"
"jobs": {
"include": [
"stage": "Lint",
"script": [
"npm run lint"
"stage": "Test",
"script": [
"npm run test && npx codecov"
"env": [
"global={:REPO=>\"\\\"\\\"\"}={:REPO_DIR=>\"\\\"frontend-starter-app-build\\\"\"}={:BRANCH=>\"${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH:-$TRAVIS_BRANCH}\"}={:NODE_OPTIONS=>\"\\\"--max-old-space-size=4096 --max_old_space_size=4096\\\"\"}"