What's new?
🐛 Bug fixes
provide fallback value when option is missing in config (in commit #5ffd1b7
declutter the config using defaults (in commit #b0efaea
decrease max_tokens to 1024 (in commit #807f464
do not error out when pressing ctrl+c (in commit #07f0222
use gemini-1.5-flash by default (in commit #ebbca16
increase max tokens to 8k (in commit #0a4fc1e
quotes on commandline (in commit #427b83d
make gpt-4 the default model (in commit #30397c6
retrieve manpage for fish-native programs (in commit #cf4d4b4
improve responses from llama3-7b (in commit #cba7637
detect os when running on osx (in commit #e501c37
installation from github (in commit #43c0d83
python build (in commit #4a8e4ea
check if file is readable before opening it (in commit #18bff72
syntax error (in commit #649986f
strip additional characters when detecting file names (in commit #438b181
improve autocompletion (in commit #6466865
autocompletion (in commit #0585d15
rerun the command using python subprocess (in commit #646bd71
quote output from llm (in commit #af603b1
bind to ctrl+p (in commit #e362c2d
🌟 New features and improvements
redact sensitive information (in commit #7b160fc
add support for mistral (in commit #5655054
huggingface provider (in commit #6b7d8ec
add commandline history to completion prompt (in commit #6ee0e7d
display completions in fzf (in commit #e54cda6
include manpage in request (in commit #6e0faed
switch between contexts using a command (in commit #93405a7
supporting logging on containers and os x (in commit #343cc6b
add temperature for gemini (in commit #14bf669
support for gemini (in commit #67c4754
use virtual environment (in commit #ac61007
change temperature (in commit #0bd9b7d
explain commands in a different language (in commit #b2eecbc
add os to system prompt (in commit #1258cf0
status emoji (in commit #73c00d3
submit file contents when codifying (in commit #bfb7443
azure openai (in commit #069a232
autocomplete (in commit #e3baa57
optimise prompts for llama (in commit #cd503cc
use chat completions api (in commit #e38eed5
⬆ Dependency updates
bump google-generativeai from 0.5.2 to 0.7.1 (in commit #42098c7
bump docker/build-push-action from 5 to 6 (in commit #4877499
bump openai from 1.27.0 to 1.35.7 (in commit #a54420e
bump openai from 1.25.2 to 1.27.0 (in commit #b4c63cc
bump openai from 1.23.2 to 1.25.2 (in commit #f24078b
bump google-generativeai from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2 (in commit #a86e2bd
bump openai from 1.17.1 to 1.23.2 (in commit #c7c01d8
bump google-generativeai from 0.4.1 to 0.5.0 (in commit #cdfb1c0
bump openai from 1.16.2 to 1.17.1 (in commit #e591aa4
bump actions/stale from 5 to 9 (in commit #fca33b6
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