An nginx config to cache unsplash, to get around their very annoying rate limit
Unsplash has a rate limit of 50 requests per hour for unverified API clients. Their verification process is rather complex (and the use case of a static-site generator is apparently unheard off), so there needs to be an alternative.
This nginx
config (and resulting Docker container) caches Unsplash's API, allowing it to act as a centralised cache for API requests, bypassing the API restrictions. A valid API token is still required.
version: "2.3"
image: theorangeone/unsplash-cache:latest
- /tmp/unsplash-cache
- "80:80"
If you want the cache to persist between container restarts, mount /tmp/unsplash-cache
to a given directory.
Instead of sending requests to
, send them to this container instead.
- Cached responses are kept for 21 days.
- The cache cannot grow beyond 1GB.
- The cache key size should store around 10k records