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Error when using package manager in Xcode 11.4 beta #2127




Short description of the issue:

I create new project for test using RxSwift via Swift package manager . In Xcode project I chose File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency... to add RxSwift repo. But after Xcode fetch the RxSwift lib successful. I press build and get the error:

ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked library 'XCTestSwiftSupport'
ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'XCTest'
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "XCTest.XCTAssertEqual<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: @autoclosure () throws -> A, _: @autoclosure () throws -> A, _: @autoclosure () -> Swift.String, file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> ()", referenced from:
      RxTest.XCTAssertEqual<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: [RxSwift.Event<A>], _: [RxSwift.Event<A>], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
      RxTest.XCTAssertEqual<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: [RxSwift.SingleEvent<A>], _: [RxSwift.SingleEvent<A>], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
      RxTest.XCTAssertEqual<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: [RxSwift.MaybeEvent<A>], _: [RxSwift.MaybeEvent<A>], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
      RxTest.XCTAssertEqual(_: [RxSwift.CompletableEvent], _: [RxSwift.CompletableEvent], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
      RxTest.XCTAssertEqual<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: [RxTest.Recorded<RxSwift.Event<A>>], _: [RxTest.Recorded<RxSwift.Event<A>>], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
      RxTest.XCTAssertEqual<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: [RxTest.Recorded<RxSwift.Event<A?>>], _: [RxTest.Recorded<RxSwift.Event<A?>>], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
      RxTest.XCTAssertRecordedElements<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: [RxTest.Recorded<RxSwift.Event<A>>], _: [A], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
  "XCTest.XCTFail(_: Swift.String, file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> ()", referenced from:
      RxTest.XCTAssertRecordedElements<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: [RxTest.Recorded<RxSwift.Event<A>>], _: [A], file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> () in RxTest.o
  "__swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_XCTestSwiftSupport", referenced from:
      __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_XCTestSwiftSupport_$_RxTest in RxTest.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Showing All Messages
Could not find or use auto-linked library 'XCTestSwiftSupport'

Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'XCTest'

Undefined symbol: XCTest.XCTAssertEqual<A where A: Swift.Equatable>(_: @autoclosure () throws -> A, _: @autoclosure () throws -> A, _: @autoclosure () -> Swift.String, file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> ()

Undefined symbol: XCTest.XCTFail(_: Swift.String, file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt) -> ()

Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_XCTestSwiftSupport

Expected outcome:

Expected run success.

What actually happens:

Got the error with above log

RxSwift/RxCocoa/RxBlocking/RxTest version/commit



  • iOS
  • macOS
  • tvOS
  • watchOS
  • playgrounds

How easy is to reproduce? (chances of successful reproduce after running the self contained code)

  • easy, 100% repro
  • sometimes, 10%-100%
  • hard, 2% - 10%
  • extremely hard, %0 - 2%

Xcode version:

Xcode 11.4 beta 1

⚠️ Fields below are optional for general issues or in case those questions aren't related to your issue, but filling them out will increase the chances of getting your issue resolved. ⚠️

Installation method:

  • CocoaPods
  • Carthage
  • Git submodules
  • Swift Package Manager

I have multiple versions of Xcode installed:
(so we can know if this is a potential cause of your issue)

  • yes (which ones)
  • no

Level of RxSwift knowledge:
(this is so we can understand your level of knowledge
and formulate the response in an appropriate manner)

  • just starting
  • I have a small code base
  • I have a significant code base




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