Make MIUI Great Again!
PS: The above applications will automatically select the scope (under the LSPosed framework)
Cemiuiler I have used some or all of the content of the following open source projects. Thank you for the strong support provided by the developers of these projects (in no particular order)
- 「AndroidHiddenApiBypass」 by LSPosed
- 「AntiAntiDefraud」 by MinaMichita
- 「Auto NFC」 by GSWXXN
- 「BypassSignCheck」 by Weverses
- 「CorePatch」 by LSPosed
- 「CustoMIUIzer」 by MonwF
- 「DexKit」 by LuckyPray
- 「Disable app link verify」 by Xposed-Modules-Repo
- 「DisableFlagSecure」 by LSPosed
- 「EzXHelper」 by KyuubiRan
- 「FixMiuiMediaControlPanel」 by qqlittleice
- 「HideMiuiClipboardDialog」 by zerorooot
- 「MaxFreeForm」 by YifePlayte
- 「Miui Feature」 by MoralNorm
- 「MiuiHomeR」 by qqlittleice
- 「MIUI IME Unlock」 by RC1844
- 「MIUIQOL」 by chsbuffer
- 「Miui XXL」 by YuKongA
- 「ModemPro」 by Weverse
- 「NoStorageRestrict」 by Xposed-Modules-Repo
- 「Portal Hook」 by Haocen2004
- 「RemoveMiuiSystemSelfProtection」 by gfbjngjibn
- 「SettingsDontThroughTheList」 by weixiansen574
- 「WINI」 by ouhoukyo
- 「WOMMO」 by YifePlayte
- 「Woobox For MIUI」 by Simplicity-Team
- 「Woobox For MIUI」 by hosizoraru
- 「XposedBridge」 by rovo89