A python script that will create a poster with your favorite word definition from www.urbandictionary.com. The script will only take the top definition.
numpy, pillow
pip install numpy pillow
- find a word that you like the description of on www.urbandictionary.com
- find a font that you want to use (I included bebas neue font)
- navigate in cmd to the folder with the 2 .py files in it
- run the createUrbanPoster.py with the following arguments: word fontfile.ttf definition_number font_size
definition_number: input number for the desired definition like 2 for the second definition
font_size: leave empty and the script will try to calculate a font size for the text or enter the font size you want
python createUrbanPoster.py word fontfolder\font.tff 1 150
If you want to change the color of the background or the color of the text change the variable bgColor for background and textColor for text
The word I want to have a poster of is computer science of course.
python createUrbanPoster.py "computer science" bebas_neue\BebasNeue-Regular.ttf