- Navigate to "https://shopdemo.e-junkie.com/".
- Click on E-book add to cart.
- Click on Add promo code button and enter data.
- Click on Apply button.
- Verify that "invalid promo code" message is displayed.
- Navigate to "https://shopdemo.e-junkie.com/".
- Click on E-book add to cart.
- Click on Pay using debit card
- Click on Pay button.
- Verify that "Invalid Email", "Invalid Email", and "invalid billing name" messages are displayed
- Navigate to "https://shopdemo.e-junkie.com/".
- Click on E-book add to cart.
- Click on Pay using debit card
- Enter "1111 1111 1111 1111" to the Cart number
- Verify that "Your card number is invalid" message is displayed
- Navigate to "https://shopdemo.e-junkie.com/".
- Click on E-book add to cart.
- Click on Pay using debit card
- Enter data to the Email, confirm Email, name, telefon, company, Card number(“4242 4242 4242 4242”), expdate and CVC
- Click on Pay button
- Verify that "Your order is confirmed. Thank you!" message is displayed
- Navigate to "https://shopdemo.e-junkie.com/".
- Click on ContactUs button
- Fill in the name, email, subject, and message fields
- Click on Send button
- Verify that Alert appears and then close the alert