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PR #3 : Implement the process of dumpy data load through ScheduledJob #90

PR #3 : Implement the process of dumpy data load through ScheduledJob

PR #3 : Implement the process of dumpy data load through ScheduledJob #90

Workflow file for this run

name: CI/CD Pipeline # Define the name of the workflow.
branches: [ "main" ] # Trigger the workflow on push events to the 'main' branch.
branches: [ "main" ] # Trigger the workflow when a pull request is made targeting the 'main' branch.
test: # Define a job named "test" for unit testing.
name: Unit Test # Display name for the job in the CI/CD pipeline.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Specify the operating system for the job's environment (latest version of Ubuntu).
- name: Checkout code # Step to checkout the source code from the repository.
uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Use GitHub's official checkout action to get the code.
- name: Set up JDK 21 # Step to set up Java Development Kit version 21.
uses: actions/setup-java@v3 # Use GitHub's setup-java action to configure Java.
java-version: '21' # Specify the JDK version (21).
distribution: 'temurin' # Use Temurin distribution of JDK.
cache: 'maven' # Cache Maven dependencies to speed up builds.
- name: Cache Maven packages # Step to cache Maven dependencies.
uses: actions/cache@v3 # Use GitHub's caching action to store dependencies.
path: ~/.m2 # Cache the local Maven repository (~/.m2).
key: ${{ runner.os }}-m2-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} # Cache key based on the operating system and the hash of the pom.xml file to invalidate the cache when dependencies change.
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-m2 # Restore cache using a simpler key if no exact match is found.
- name: Build with Maven # Step to build the project using Maven.
run: mvn -B package --file pom.xml # Run Maven in batch mode and package the project.
- name: Run Tests # Step to run unit tests.
run: mvn -B test # Run Maven tests in batch mode.
build-and-push: # Define another job for building and pushing Docker images.
name: Build and Push # Display name for the build and push job.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Specify the operating system for this job (latest version of Ubuntu).
needs: test # Specify that this job depends on the "test" job.
- name: Checkout code # Step to checkout the source code from the repository (same as above).
uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Use GitHub's official checkout action to get the code.
- name: Set up JDK 21 # Step to set up Java Development Kit version 21 (same as above).
uses: actions/setup-java@v3 # Use GitHub's setup-java action to configure Java.
java-version: '21' # Specify the JDK version (21).
distribution: 'temurin' # Use Temurin distribution of JDK.
cache: 'maven' # Cache Maven dependencies to speed up builds.
- name: Build with Maven # Step to build the project using Maven (same as above).
run: mvn -B package --file pom.xml # Run Maven in batch mode and package the project.
- name: Dockerize & Push Docker Image # Step to build and push the Docker image to Docker Hub.
uses: mr-smithers-excellent/docker-build-push@v6 # Use a third-party GitHub action to build and push the Docker image.
image: noyandocker/flightsearchapi # Specify the Docker image name.
tags: latest # Assign the "latest" tag to the image.
registry: # Use Docker Hub as the registry.
dockerfile: Dockerfile # Specify the location of the Dockerfile (defaults to the root of the repository).
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} # Retrieve the Docker Hub username from GitHub secrets.
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} # Retrieve the Docker Hub password from GitHub secrets.