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A portfolio item ancestor filter plugin for Technical Services apps

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An app plugin that adds an ancestor portfolio item filter and project scoping to the app, or, if placed on a page containing a version of this plugin configured as a publisher, will listen for an ancestor filter from the publisher app.

The plugin will:

  • add an app setting that controls if ancestor filtering is enabled
  • If the setting is enabled
    • search the app for a container with the id of Utils.AncestorPiAppFilter.RENDER_AREA_ID (or a specified id) and add a portfolio type picker, a portfolio item picker and a project scoping control.
    • listen for events from any apps using this plugin as a publisher
    • if a publisher is detected, the local portfolio type and picker will be hidden and filter values from the publisher used instead.
  • Dispatch a ready event when the control is ready for use.
  • Dispatch a select event when the selected portfolio item is changed (or a publisher has changed selections)
  • Make the current portfolio item available as a relative to a given type. (e.g. An Epic ancestor for a HierarchicalRequirement becomes PortfolioItem.Parent = /portfolioitem/epic/1234)
  • Make the current project scope setting available as a function call.
  • If the given type doesn't have the selected portfolio item type as an ancestor, a null filter is returned (ObjectID = 0).
  • To ensure the filter is fully initialized, the appliation should wait for the ready event before getting the current ancestor filter.


The added filter controls.


The added filter settings.


When configured as a filter publisher.


When enabled and on a page containing a publisher app.



Publisher examples:

Listener examples:


  1. Install using npm (or yarn) npm install '@agile-central-technical-services/utils-ancestor-pi-app-filter' -D
  2. Add the file to the javascript section of config.json
     "javascript": [

Example publisher usage

Ext.define("PiAncestorFilterBroadcaster", {
    extend: '',
    // Add an area where the filter controls will render.
    items: [{
        id: Utils.AncestorPiAppFilter.RENDER_AREA_ID,
        xtype: 'container',
        flex: 1,
        layout: {
            type: 'hbox',
            align: 'middle',
            defaultMargins: '0 10 10 0',

    launch: function() {
        this.ancestorFilterPlugin = Ext.create('Utils.AncestorPiAppFilter', {
            ptype: 'UtilsAncestorPiAppFilter',
            pluginId: 'ancestorFilterPlugin',
            publisher: true,    // Publish events to other apps using this plugin
            settingsConfig: {
                labelWidth: 150,
                margin: 10
            listeners: {
                scope: this,
                ready: function(plugin) {
                    // Plugin ready, begin listening for selection changes
                        scope: this,
                        select: function() {
                            // Notify any listeners of the new filter values
                    // Notify any listeners of the current selections
        // Must add the filter at runtime (instead of in config) to make sure we can
        // catch its ready event.

Example stand-alone or listener usage

Ext.define("custom-grid-with-deep-export", {
    extend: '',
    items: [{
        id: Utils.AncestorPiAppFilter.RENDER_AREA_ID,
        xtype: 'container',
        flex: 1,
        layout: {
            type: 'hbox',
            align: 'middle',
            defaultMargins: '0 10 10 0',
    launch: function() {
        this.ancestorFilterPlugin = Ext.create('Utils.AncestorPiAppFilter', {
            ptype: 'UtilsAncestorPiAppFilter',
            pluginId: 'ancestorFilterPlugin',
            // Set to false to prevent the '-- None --' selection option if your app can't support
            // querying by a null ancestor (e.g. Lookback _ItemHierarchy)
            allowNoEntry: true,
            settingsConfig: {
                labelWidth: 150,
                margin: 10
            listeners: {
                scope: this,
                ready: function(plugin) {
                        scope: this,
                        select: function() {
    loadData: function() {
        // Get current ancestor portfolio item filter
        var ancestorFilter = this.ancestorFilterPlugin.getFilterForType(artifactType);
        if (ancestorFilter) {
            filters = filters.and(ancestorFilter);
        // Get current project scoping
        var dataContext = this.getContext.getDataContext();
        if ( this.ancestorFilterPlugin.getIgnoreProjectScope() ) {
            dataContext.project = null

Developer Notes

To Update

  1. npm version patch - This will update the package.json to a new version and create a git tag (e.g. v1.0.1). It will also run the postversion script to push the changes and tag to GitHub.
  2. npm publish --access public - This will publish the new version to
  3. Create the new release in `utils_file-utils/releases'

Test Plan


  • PASS - Retain values after settings close and reopen
  • PASS - Retain values after app reload
  • PASS - Label width customizable by config.settingsConfig
  • PASS - Show ancestor filter shows/hides ancestor filter
  • PASS - Show ignore scope shows/hides ignore scope
  • NOT IMPLEMENTED - Ignore scope by default provides default value for ignore scope control
  • PASS - Ignore scope by default value used ONLY if ignore scope control not shown


Publisher / Subscriber indicator

  • PASS - has mouseover explaining icon

PI Type Picker

  • PASS - pi types
  • PASS - changing types resets pi picker
  • PASS - lowest level selected by default
  • PASS - type remembered after reload
  • PASS - changing type notifies subscribers
  • PASS - unaffected by changes to controls in expanded listener

PI Picker

  • PASS - has clear option
  • PASS - has none option
  • PASS - has pis that match currently selected pi type
  • PASS - has pis across entire workspace
  • PASS - pi remembered after reload
  • PASS - changing pi notifies subscribers
  • PASS - unaffected by changes to controls in expanded listener

Scope Control

  • PASS - Current Project is default
  • PASS - choice remembered after reload
  • PASS - changing choice notifies subscribers
  • PASS - unaffected by changes to controls in expanded listener

As Publisher

  • PASS - Shows publisher icon

As Subscriber

  • PASS - Shows subscriber icon
  • PASS - Hides all controls
  • PASS - Hides all controls even when own app settings show them
  • NOT IMPLEMENTED - Uses publisher settings when expanded
  • PASS - Uses app settings for controls when expanded
  • PASS - Uses publisher filters when not expanded
  • PASS - Automatically becomes subscriber when publisher added to page


A portfolio item ancestor filter plugin for Technical Services apps






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