This repository contains the source code for a RESTful API that allows users to create, update, and delete posts, as well as view various analytics about users and posts. The API was built using Java with the Spring Boot framework and is connected to a MySQL database.
You can access the live API at
- POST /users: Create a new user.
- GET /users/{id}: Retrieve a user by id.
- PUT /users/{id}: Update a user's name or bio by id.
- DELETE /users/{id}: Delete a user by id.
- GET /analytics/users: Retrieve the total number of users.
- GET /analytics/users/top-active: Retrieve the top 5 most active users, based on the number of posts.
- POST /posts: Create a new post. The request should include the user_id.
- GET /posts/{id}: Retrieve a post by id.
- PUT /posts/{id}: Update a post's content by id.
- DELETE /posts/{id}: Delete a post by id.
- POST /posts/{id}/like: Increment the like count of a post by id.
- POST /posts/{id}/unlike: Decrement the like count of a post by id. The count should not go below 0.
- GET /analytics/posts: Retrieve the total number of posts.
- GET /analytics/posts/top-liked: Retrieve the top 5 most liked posts.
Basic validation is implemented for input data to ensure required fields are present and in the correct format, and the maximum length of string fields is not exceeded.
You can explore and test the API using the Swagger UI at
The API is deployed on Railway, a platform for deploying and managing web apps and databases.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Swagger UI
This API was created by Rahul Kumar.