This repository contains a collection of basic Python projects created during my learning journey. These projects cover fundamental Python concepts and are designed to help beginners understand and practice essential programming skills.
- Tip Calculator: A simple tool to calculate the tip amount based on the total bill and the desired tip percentage.
- BMI Calculator: A program that calculates Body Mass Index (BMI) based on user-provided height and weight.
- Leap Year Calculator: A script that determines if a given year is a leap year or not.
- Fizz Buzz: A classic programming challenge that prints numbers from 1 to 100, but replaces multiples of 3 with "Fizz", multiples of 5 with "Buzz", and multiples of both 3 and 5 with "FizzBuzz".
- Random Password Generator: A tool for generating secure, random passwords of a specified length.
- Paint Cans Estimator: A program to estimate the number of paint cans required to cover a given area, based on the area coverage of one can.
- Python 3.x