University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- Minneapolis, MN
- https://raghuram-veeramallu.github.io
- Pro
A Mattermost plugin for communicating daily standups across teams
Tracking the impact of COVID-19 in India
Analyzing user behavior of an E-commerce website with R and (mainly) Google Analytics Data
Predict conversion rate and generate ideas to improve conversion rate
All Algorithms implemented in Python
StarGraph (aka *graph) is a graph database to query large Knowledge Graphs. Playing with Knowledge Graphs can be useful if you are developing AI applications or doing data analysis over complex dom…
TypeDB-ML is the Machine Learning integrations library for TypeDB
Accompanying code for our 4th SemWebEval Challenge @ ESWC 2017 paper "End-to-end Representation Learning for Question Answering with Weak Supervision"
Implementations of Embedding-based methods for Knowledge Base Completion tasks
word2vec, sentence2vec, machine reading comprehension, dialog system, text classification, pretrained language model (i.e., XLNet, BERT, ELMo, GPT), sequence labeling, information retrieval, inform…
code and docs for my EMNLP paper "DeepPath: A Reinforcement Learning Method for Knowledge Graph Reasoning"
A collection of research on knowledge graphs
GraphVite: A General and High-performance Graph Embedding System
A curated list of network embedding techniques.
Cart Conversion rates are quite low for a good majority of eCommerce companies. Idea is to use AI/ML to predict a cart abandonment ahead and provide ways to inject into the experience a promotion o…
Tree-structured Long Short-Term Memory networks (http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.00075)
Fast mini batch version of treelstm using tensorflow
✅ Curated list of resources for college students
Notebooks from the Face Recognition Tutorial I gave at PyData Amsterdam