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Will Márcio w1ll-dev

FCamara Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Pestana Catumbela pestana-catumbela
Software Developer

São Paulo, Brasil

Nathálya nathalyadev
Estudante de Análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas

Brasil, TO

Clara Alice Valac Lainfall
Another Clara on the loose
Attiar Ul Hasan Attiarulhasan
Full Stack Developer | React.js/Next.js Developer | WordPress Developer | UX/UI Designer

DigixValley LLC Lahore, Pakistan

Thiago Henriques thiago-fsl

@fullstacklabs Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Lukas Souza lukasapollo
Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistema. Focado na Web. #javascript #html #css #reactjs #nodejs
Caroline Medeiros caroline-medeiros
Fullstack Developer on


Jardel Nathan jardel-nathan
Web Developer Full Stack | PHP - NodeJS - ReactJS.

Montes Claros, MG - Brasil

Alex Sander Rocha Ortelan alexsro
Full-stack developer | JS | React | React-Native | Node | Delphi | Ruby | Rails Certified: KIFK | SFPC

Grupo Euax São Jose do Rio Preto - SP

Italo Domingues italodom
Tech Lead na BossaBox

São Paulo

Gabriel Leão da Silva Gabriel-Leao
Hello my name is Gabriel Leão, I'm excited to be part of the community and contribute to his development.

São Paulo, Brazil

Gustavo Ferreira GutoFrr
Full Stack Developer, JavaScript based curriculum.

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Monica Vaz M0nicaVaz
Frontend Developer

EMR - Eu Medico Residente Brazil

James Leal jamesjlv
01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100


Mateus Campos mateusribeirocampos
Computer Science student


Victor Henrique victorkronicos
Software Engineer.

São Paulo

Nícolas Suzuki NicolasSuzuki
Fullstack Developer

Pixel Breeders Brasil

Caue Enrico caueenrico
Analista de sistemas PL


Wevison Ramalho Silva XxWexX5
Senior Frontend Developer / Full Stack Designer

AltoQi São Paulo/SP - Brasil

Brunno Guimarães brunnoguim
front-end dev from the always sunny Curitiba

Curitiba/PR - Brazil

Matheus Pacco MatheusPacco
Estudante de Desenvolvimento Front-End e Experiência do Usuário (UX)
Eric Mendonça p4kz
this is my way Porto Alegre, RS

Felipe Ogata ogatalars
Student(Computer Systems Analysis at Senac) Learning to become a full dev stack (web), focus on Front-end (react, ts, and next.js)


Igor Michael igoormichaeel
Computer Engineering student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil.

@b2bitcompany Natal, RN, Brazil

Julio Xavier julioxavierr
Software Engineer passionate about the transformative potential of tech. Using TypeScript, React, React Native, Node.js and GraphQL ⚡


Felipe Carpes felipecarpes
Frontend Developer - Vue.js / React.js

@AlcatechCX Santa Cruz do Sul, RS - Brazil

Leonardo Dimarchi leonardodimarchi
I'm a dedicated developer, always interested in learning and using new technologies.


Jennifer Magpantay jennifer-magpantay
.Design-food-animal-StarWars-ketchup lover. And proud.


Isaac Cavalcante isaaccavalcantef
Front-End Web Developer and UI/UX Designer.

Freelancer Brasil

francivaldo costa francivaldo4334
- Desenvolvedor androide e apaixonado por tecnologias em geral </>{} - Sempre disposto a um novo desafio ;)

Brasil Piauí

Diogo Marques DiogoMarques2003
A humble programmer who seeks to improve every day.

@Discloud Braga, Portugal

Matheus Fugisaki fugisakimatheus
Sênior front-end developer at E-Station.


Veronica Souza verasouza
Technology enthusiast
Vivaldo Papa netopapa
Software developer 💼 Love animals 🧡 Love nature 💚

DBC Porto alegre / RS