Official implementation of "ViewCrafter: Taming Video Diffusion Models for High-fidelity Novel View Synthesis"
Generalizable 3D Scene Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer from a Single View
[CVPR 2024 Highlight] PhysGaussian: Physics-Integrated 3D Gaussians for Generative Dynamics
Official Code for DragGAN (SIGGRAPH 2023)
Geometric Latent Diffusion Models for 3D Molecule Generation
Productive, portable, and performant GPU programming in Python.
Code for ICML 2023 paper, "PFGM++: Unlocking the Potential of Physics-Inspired Generative Models"
Official Implementation of SinDiffusion: Learning a Diffusion Model from a Single Natural Image
Diffusion model papers, survey, and taxonomy
Implementation of Imagen, Google's Text-to-Image Neural Network, in Pytorch
Code for the Interspeech 2021 paper "AST: Audio Spectrogram Transformer".
PyTorch implementation of MAE https//
Final project for Cogs118B Intro to Machine Learning II
A new play-and-plug method of controlling an existing generative model with conditioning attributes and their compositions.
A-SDF: Learning Disentangled Signed Distance Functions for Articulated Shape Representation (ICCV 2021)
This repository contains utility scripts for the KITTI-360 dataset.
Code of paper "Compositionally Generalizable 3D Structure Prediction"
Code release for NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields)
Code for 3D Reconstruction of Novel Object Shapes from Single Images paper
Go AI program which implements the AlphaGo Zero paper
[ICML 2021] DouZero: Mastering DouDizhu with Self-Play Deep Reinforcement Learning | 斗地主AI
A personal collection of food in San Diego. (primarily asian food) (in Chinese)
Optimus: the first large-scale pre-trained VAE language model
K3D lets you create 3D plots backed by WebGL with high-level API (surfaces, isosurfaces, voxels, mesh, cloud points, vtk objects, volume renderer, colormaps, etc). The primary aim of K3D-jupyter is…
A generative network for animal vocalizations. For dimensionality reduction, sequencing, clustering, corpus-building, and generating novel 'stimulus spaces'. All with notebook examples using freely…
Predictive Coding in the Visual Cortex: a Functional Interpretation of Some Extra-classical Receptive-field Effects