RT-Thread v4.1.1 Beta released
2961 commits
to master
since this release
Change log since v4.1.0 released
- rtdef.h
- Add BGR888 pixel format
- be friendly to macro expansion
- add 64bit default value for stack size
- set tick HZ as 1000 by default
- enhanced rt_kprintf to support "long long" type
- RT_KSERVICE_USING_STDLIB is open by default
- ipc
- Add descriptions for rt_mq_recv and rt_sem_take timeout parameters
- fix parameter name
- enable RT_DEBUG_DEVICE by default and move weak rt_hw_dealy_us in kservice.c
- Updated the Cortex-A of linker scripts for the new version of GCC, Removed C++ global constructor initialization, this method is not used in GCC4.7 and later versions
- remove the register keyword
- rename _rt_scheduler_stack_check as _scheduler_stack_check
- update comments for rt_thread_suspend
- fix comment for rt_container_of
- fixed bug of timer
- remove the executable permission of thread.c
- remove strnlen function
- add NULL check for rt_free and rt_free_align
- suuport perf_counter
- tighten size before check with mem_size_aligned
- Add string information for error
- fix a problem about finsh_set_prompt redefined msh command
- Unify the data type and macro definition of kernel built-in and standard LIBC library
- add macro RT_VERSION_CHECK to implement version check
- fix the style for "rt_hw_us_delay" function
- fix the time slice logic for schedule.c
- driver
- Detailed classification of devices types
- Update device type definition and command definition
- ioctl add F_SETFL cmd
- fix a problem that eliminate recursion
- fix som compilation warning
- driver/serial_v2
- add support for "termios"
- add hardware flow control support
- fixed bug for RT_SERIAL_TX_BLOCKING model
- add rt_assert for serial_v2
- driver/sensor
- Add blood pressure sensor type
- Add RT_SENSOR_VENDOR_MELEXIS in sensor_cmd.c
- driver/spi
- remove _spi_bus_device_control
- Fix rt_qspi_send symbol extension BUG
- fix issue report #6008 rt_spi_sendrecv8
- driver/rtc
- Adjust ops function input parameters
- Optimize execution efficiency
- Add get/set timestamp function
- Enhanced date command
- fix the parameter check about "time"
- use gmtime_r to replace gmtime
- driver/alarm
- Fix week alarm bug
- Compact alarm output
- fix a typo
- driver/inputcapture
- add DBG_TAG for rt_inputcapure.c
- driver/hwtimer
- add disable interrupt protection for hwtimer_isr function
- driver/hwcrypto
- Optimize memory usage
- driver/sdio
- Support DDR mode
- modify the address offset problem for sdio read and write
- driver/dac
- fix return value of rt_dac_write function
- add get resolution method
- driver/adc
- add a interface to get sampling resolution
- add finsh voltage conversion command
- implement adc_get_vref
- driver/pwm
- clean the useless code
- add finsh pwm function
- driver/usb
- fix build error
- fix stall bug on control transfers
- add interface to get information about virtual uart connect state
- fix usbhost hid issues
- driver/wlan
- Modify wlan framework
- driver/phy
- fix the PHY_FULL_DUPLEX conflicts
- driver/can
- Add CANFD support and correct typos
- Fix can infinite loop when can driver send error
- driver/hwcrypto
- Correct function return value definition
- driver/pin
- add pin operate command in MSH
- driver/touch
- adjust the header file for touch.h
- libc
- fix c/c++ compilation warnings and errors
- improve sconscript
- fix the sys/select.h problem
- fix that some function cannot be found in unistd.h
- Remove definitions that "posix/io" are not in use
- fix the time bug
- optimize the handle logic on armcc/armclang
- fix the compiler error on iar
- fix dlmodule compile 'SEEK_END' undeclared eror
- the recycle logic about resource of pthread
- fix the function pthread_barrier_init return "EINVAL" if "count" is zero.
- solve the conflicts between libc data types and rtdef data types
- remove strdup from rtthread.h
- Fix clock_gettime for CLOCK_CPUTIME_ID
- solve the libc/timer problem which the os tick can be calculated wrongly because the local variable was not initialized
- implement extension standard C functions
- fix the error return
- modify the complier error in iar
- use atomic operation to protect pthread conditional variable
- memory leak when the value of posix semaphore is zero
- fix a problem that function difftime() compile error in iar environment
- pthread_mutex_destroy can't work
- the risk for function exit() when open pthread support
- supplement the case that exit() haven't been impletement
- try to fix the problem about "fflush" functions in armlibc
- use
to replace__CLANG_ARM
- ulog
- Add file backend
- Optimize unnecessary refresh
- sfud
- support NM25Q128EVB, GD25Q32C, SST25VF080B, W25Q32BV, W25X16AV, W25X40CL
- modify the opeated way to handle a situation that flash blocks protected
- keep macros in order
- sal
- add draft for docking winsock
- rearrange sal dependencies
- rename sal.h as sal_low_lvl.h
- at
- use pointer that memory had freed
- implement about "AT server"
- lwip
- Support windows simulator
- add list command
- finish
- fix list_device crash
- Enhance system robustness
- add available memory information for free cmd
- add binary search algorithm
- add new functions to get length of finish cmd
- fal
- support fal api for c++
- utest
- add cpp11 base testcase
- enhance strength about cpp testcase
- add posix testcase frame
- add timeslice test
- ymodem
- move error codes to rym_code to silence warnings
- Fix compilation warning
- Attention, the list of new bsp we have added :
- at32f413, at32f415-start, at32f435-start, at32f437-start
- cypress-psoc6-cy8cproto-4343w
- ESP32_C3
- gd32vf103r-start, gd32vf103v-eval
- hc32f4a0
- imxrt1021-nxp-evk, imxrt1170-nxp-evk
- microchip, samc21, same54, same70, saml10
- n32g45xvl-stb
- ch32v103r-evt, ch569w-evt, ch32f103c8, ch32f203r-evt
- rockchip-rk3568
- stm32f103-100ask-mini, stm32f103-100ask-pro, stm32wle5-yizhilian-lm402
- lpc55sxx
- fix issue that dist cannot specify a directory
- fix building error
- stm32
- use weak reference to handle Macro of RTDINO_xxxx
- add new bsp for STM32WLE5JCI6
- fix some can and pwm bug
- select the input clk of spi based on SPI instances
- fix the bug of can filter conflict
- add rtc for openmv
- add ov5640、dcmi、i2c for openmv
- update ov5640 configuration of openmv
- update arduino related
- stm32f072 support Arduino I2C and update readme
- judge the SPI instances before operating
- fix the io confict about SDIO and UART6(TX) DMA
- fix the problem if use uart DMA to receive
- remove hardware NSS
- Enable RNG Clock
- avoid conflict between cmsis5 and bsp cmsis
- add tim7 support
- f072, f401 support TIM7/TIM11 hardware timer
- l475, remove meaningless header file
- stm32f407, stm32f469 optimize lvgl folder structure about simulator
- stm32f746, cancel choose lwip and dfs by default
- remove CMSIS/RTOS folders
- add F_CPU to indicate the frequency of CPU
- suuport MsTimer2 library
- add correct the command description for adc, pwm
- add support for STM32L0 series
- move CMSIS hearder files to common folder
- add bootloader.bin, add the description of the bootloader in README.md for stm32h750-art-pi
- Modify the content of flash algorithms in README.md for stm32h750-art-pi
- fix stm32f767-st-nucleo console device name
- create two new bsp for 100ask stm32f103 boards
- add stm32l496zg feature, add on-chip flash
- change the bsp name of 100ask to be consistent with other bsp and commit a bug for drv_adc.c
- add h7 timer support
- implement soft spi
- use perf_counter to instead of hwtimer
- support wireless module pinout for stm32l475
- Add lvgl adaptation of touch screen xpt2046 for stm32f407-atk
- Docking lvgl for stm32f469-st-disco bsp using ft6336 touch chip
- adapt the rtc alarm function
- optimize pwm functions
- Adapt RTduino package for stm32f469-st-disco BSP
- Docking lvgl touch driver using package for stm32f469-st-disco BSP
- Adapt lvgl for using ft6206 model touch screen for stm32f469-st-disco BSP
- Fix the configuration of stm32f401's PWM in CubeMX
- fix the network I/O is confict for stm32f429-atk-apollo
- fix PWM complementary problem and function description
- Improve the connection of RTdunio PWM for stm32f401-st-nucleo
- add a new board f407-robomaster-c and supprot stm32 timer8
- avoid the "recv_len" will be negative if happend accident
- add RTdunio for stm32f103-blue-pill
- stm32l475-atk-pandora update readme, .gitignore
- wch
- add ch32v103r-evt bsp
- add WCH CH569W-R0-1v0 evt board bsp port
- ch569w-evt : add spi master driver, SPI0 tested
- add pwm driver and spi_xfer bug fix
- gd32
- Add gd32450i-eval board bsp
- Complete the pins device define
- firx adc driver
- bug fixed gpio_mode_set miss gd32_spi->mosi_pin,gd32_spi->sck_pin
- fix compile error in rtc: "pmu_backup_write_enable" was not found
- Optimize GD32 bsp architecture
- fix a bug about interrupt vetor table lost cause system exception
- add driver of sdio
- correct pin number in drv_gpio.c
- fix compile error if use rtc in gd32 f1~f4
- fix the defined error that uart I/O
- simulator
- improve libc time and MSVC simulator
- slove the problem of simulator can't attach SD card
- upgrade SDL2.0 to 2.0.20
- remove meaningless debug file
- create new fcntl.h file for vs
- optimize lvgl folder structure about simulator
- avoid conflicts between winsock.h and sys/time.h
- improve Kconfig structure add Onboard Peripheral Drivers menu
- enable BSD socket by default
- add RTC menuconfig
- clean the compiler warning under windows
- optimize the SD mount logic
- remove LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD which are defined manually
- winsock implement on windows simulator
- improve init process
- sync lvgl win32 driver
- fix some warnings
- fix the problem of path cannot be find and cause failure
- change "exit()" to "exit(1)"
- qemu
- add compiler option "-Werror" for qemu-vexpress-a9 and qemu-virt64-aarch64
- Add quick start guide for QEMU on macOS
- chmod u+x shell script for qemu-risc-virt64
- remove LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD which are defined manually
- rename qemu-riscv-virt64 to qemu-virt64-riscv
- add remount operation to avoid dfs_mout fail for qemu-vexpress-a9
- don't use sbi in m-mode for qemu-virt64-riscv
- Add more VirtIO drivers for qemu-virt64-aarch64
- Fixup VirtIO queue align size for qemu-virt64-aarch64
- improve qemu readme
- update qemu project
- Add VirtIO-Console and GPIO driver for qemu-virt64-aarch64
- Update drivers' code for qemu-virt64-aarch64
- airm2m
- fix the exception for i2c
- n32g452xx
- add spi3
- avoid system pause when timeout check
- add hardware CRC support
- microchip
- Add Microchip SAM series MCU support
- add ethernet, ADC, IIC support
- update the serial driver for samc21/same54/same70
- add SAML10 series
- nuvoton
- Disable TRNG function in default configuration
- Update nuc980iot configuration
- remove LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD which are defined manually
- Add private data pointer for MTD-NAND
- at32
- add at32f435_437 board
- update at32f435_437 adc driver
- add at32f413 and at32f415 series
- modify the folder structure
- optimize code to improve network throughput performance
- rt1052 add RT-Thread studio entrance
- imxrt1060 exchange On-chip Peripheral Drivers and Onboard Peripheral Drivers menu in Kconfig
- prepare to support squareline studio
- imxrt1060 optimize lvgl folder structure about simulator
- imxrt1060 support NXP GUiGuider
- imxrt1060 support keil armclang compiler
- support touchpad
- add rt1170/rt1020 bsp
- update rt1170n menuconfig
- Implement api docking of rt_pin_get
- Fixed Touch pannel for imxrt1060-nxp-evk
- mimxrt1170 Qspi flash bootup problems
- optimize the "sconsript" under floder "applications"
- Added LCD Touch Int pin to ioconfig
- During testing GT911 would not come out of reset because INT pin could not be driven low or high.
- upgrade the SDK of RT1170-EVK to 2.12
- fix a tiny problme this is report in slack group for imxrt1060
- remove suareline studio specific support for imxrt1060
- update enet for rt1170
- fix gpio interrupt bug in drv_gpio.c
- format issue report in slack group
- move phy driver into drivers folder
- add double network interface and driver for phy8211F
- add sdram driver for rt1170
- fix the compiler error bettwen "rtc.c/rtc.h"
- Nuclei
- add null CCFLAGS for Nuclei bsps
- renesas
- add BSP doc
- add RA2L1-CPK bsp
- refreash the driver about flash, gpio and head file
- add introduction of captouch
- fix the error on drv_wdt.c
- Add hardware i2c driver.
- essemi
- update es32f36xx libraries
- Adapt es32f369x for RTduino
- Fix a bug of I2C and edit some documents
- esp
- add the bsp of esp32c3
- Add the gpio driver and readme.md for esp32c3
- add Kconfig esp32c3
- add ESP32 UART driver
- k210
- use new SDK packages
- modify the folder structure of Kconfig
- HC32
- Add the BSP of HC32 series
- add rtc driver
- Unified management interrupt vector table
- configuration file revise
- add usart1/2/3 configure for hc32f460
- add can support
- Fixed a problem where the descriptor for multiple serial ports was overwritten
- add virtual iic driver
- add adc support
- fix bugs of hc32 driver adc and can
- add rtc driver for hc32f460
- support MDK AC6 compiler
- fix the system crash if can bus is under bus off state
- fix a problem that configure can filter is useless
- fix a problem that error interrupt isn't work
- modify precompile waring for uart,spi driver
- add the driver about timerA
- change RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME from "uart" to "uart1"
- add startup file for apm32f4xx
- add the driver of WDT
- raspberry-pico
- optimize lvgl folder structure
- Fix the issue of inaccurate system tick.
- nuc980
- Fix bug when restarting and getting interrupts that are not processed
- rockchip
- add rk2108 base support
- nrf5x
- add doc for development on rtt-studio
- adapt lvgl 8.3.0
- n32
- add n32 bsp
- modify i2c and rtc drivers
- fm33lc026
- add gpio support
- refreash FM33LC0xx_FL_Driver to FL_xxx_v2.3.1
- apm32
- add apm32f407ig-minibroard
- add the F1xxx library of APM32 for APM32F10x_SDK_V1.6
- add the F4xxx library of APM32 for APM32F4xx_SDK_V1.2
- ifx
- add cypress board of CY8CKIT-062S2-43012
- add hwtimer device
- raspi3-32
- fix some bug of funtion '__rt_ffs'
- synwit
- add swm341 bsp
- arm
- add dsb and isb instructions in the end of rt_hw_context_switch_to
- fix compilation warning
- Add exception install function
- optimize the complier error
- fix armclang error when enable LTO
- fix rt_hw_cpu_dcache_ops clean invalid bug
- arm/Cortex-M33
- Add Cortex M33
- add macro ARCH_ARM_CORTEX_SECURE to makesure rtos system can run in the cpu safe mode
- arm/Cortex-R4
- fix "prefethc abort"
- add RT_USING_CPU_FFS to avoid redefined error about "__rt_ffs()"
- risc-v/virt64
- fix parameter for call handle_trap
- Fixed the description of logging usage in the Contributing code Guide
- Update English coding style for more idiomatic use
- Overhaul of document, fixing multiple grammar mistakes and editing for clarity
- Further edits of documentation for clarity
- correct the license description
- Fix the doxygen file
- update env document append some information about menuconfig -s
- Fix bugs for processing command line parameters
- CI
- update action use python@v3
- add nxp check
- update stm32 ci checking list
- restrict rt-thread organization
- Copyright
- improve copyright for old files
- Scons
- sort the source file path
- Add Python 3 compatibility patch
- rtconfig.CROSS_TOOL->rtconfig.PLATFORM
- Decouple the addition of command line arguments
- support command: scons --target=xmake
- add new option for building library
- Readme.md add Deutsche and Spanish version
- update readme for languages choices
- append path for scons env
- Update the libs import for eclipse project
- modify the reorder problem for "include path"
- allow setting optional url for packages via envvar
- format python code
- remove .sconsign.dblite when scons clean