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Tags: RITlug/teleirc



Toggle v2.3.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Tjzabel Tim Zabel
Additional Handler Support


Toggle v2.2.0's commit message
Create release tag for TeleIRC version 2.2.0.

- Updates Go to 1.14
- Adds Imgur functionality
- IRC ACTION (/me) handling


Toggle v2.1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jwflory Justin W. Wheeler
v2.1.0: IRC quality-of-life improvements

The TeleIRC Team is proud to present TeleIRC v2.1.0. This version is a
**feature** release, which means it introduces new functionality or
changes that may require changes or action by you to fully upgrade from
a previous v2.0.x release.


Full details and context about this release can be found in the Release
Milestone tracker:



* Gracefully exit when TeleIRC receives a SIGTERM signal (e.g. pressing
  CTRL+C) (@xforever1313, #347)

* Display latest git tag as version string in logs when compiling
  TeleIRC binaries (@Zedjones, #352)


* Do not forward messages with a configurable prefix (@thenaterhood,

* Send a message to Telegram group if the IRC server connection is
  terminated or goes offline (@xforever1313, #344)

* Add new IRC configuration options such as `IRC_BOT_REALNAME`,
  `IRC_BOT_IDENT`, `IRC_NICKSERV_USER` (@jwflory, #355)

* Add support for specifying an IP address to use for IRC server
  connection (@jwflory, #356)

About TeleIRC v2.0

* [Release announcement](
* [What's new in TeleIRC v2.0.0](
* [Official documentation](
* [TeleIRC development news and updates](


Toggle v2.0.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired and has been revoked.
jwflory Justin W. Wheeler
v2.0.1: First release of Fall 2020 semester

The TeleIRC Team is proud to present TeleIRC v2.0.1. This version is a
**bugfix** release, which means it is low-risk, high-gain for anyone
upgrading from a previous v2.0.x release.


* Fix zero-width space (ZWSP) implementation (@Tjzabel, #334)
    * Refactor ZWSP into less repetitive blocks (@Amirhossein2000, #338)

* Fix extra whitespace after IRC suffix field for Telegram messages
  (@thenaterhood, #339)

* Resolve crash when using encryption to connect to IRC network (TLS /
  SSL) (@thenaterhood, #341)

About TeleIRC v2.0

* [Release announcement](
* [What's new in TeleIRC v2.0.0](
* [Official documentation](
* [All TeleIRC development news and updates](


Toggle v2.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired and has been revoked.
jwflory Justin W. Wheeler
v2.0.0: First release of Go port

The TeleIRC Team is proud to present the v2.0.0 Go port of TeleIRC. This
release reflects eight months of work in porting the NodeJS version over
to Go.

Because this is a major release, the changelog will not be written in
the git tag message. Blog posts with a release announcement, summary of
changes, and an upgrade guide are published below:


Toggle v2.0.0-pre2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired and has been revoked.
jwflory Justin W. Wheeler
v2.0.0-pre2: Second pre-release of TeleIRC v2.0.0

This commit marks the second release of the TeleIRC Go port. It is a
pre-release and does not yet have feature parity with the v1.x.x release

Thanks and acknowledgements

This release was made possible to you by the TeleIRC core maintainers
and the project community:

* [Justin W. Flory]( @jwflory
* [Kennedy Kong]( @kennedy
* [Kevin Assogba]( @10eMyrT
* [Nicholas Jones]( @Zedjones
* [Roman Nikitin]( @pomo-mondreganto
* [Tim Zabel]( @Tjzabel

Thank you!


Only covers changes from `2.0.0-pre1`:

* **New handlers**:
    * Telegram Sticker handler
    * IRC blacklist handler
    * Add Telegram Photo handler
* Refactor/improve logging functionality
    * Add debug logging
* Increase unit test coverage from ~32% to 54%

New license

**NOTE**: TeleIRC is now licensed under the GPLv3 license. This is a
change from the MIT License. Current code and future contributions will
be licensed under the GPLv3.


Toggle v2.0.0-pre1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired and has been revoked.
jwflory Justin W. Wheeler
v2.0.0-pre1: First public release of TeleIRC v2.0.0

This commit marks the first release of the TeleIRC Go port. It is a
pre-release and does not yet have feature parity with the v1.x.x release

The changelog for this release is deliberately short, but future
changelogs will iterate on changes across each release:

Thanks and acknowledgements

This release was made possible to you by the TeleIRC core maintainers
and the project community:

* [Justin W. Flory]( @jwflory
* [Kevin Assogba]( @10eMyrT
* [Nicholas Jones]( @Zedjones
* [Tim Zabel]( @Tjzabel

Thank you!


* Initial Go port (tracked in #163 and #265)


Toggle v1.3.4's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired and has been revoked.
jwflory Justin W. Wheeler
v1.3.4: Closing Time

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
    – Semisonic

v1.3.4 marks the final release of the TeleIRC v1.x.x releases. Before
some project history and acknowledgements, first priorities:

Thanks and acknowledgements

This release was made possible to you by the TeleIRC core maintainers
and the project community:

* [Joshua Mulliken]( @JoshuaMulliken
* [Justin W. Flory]( @jwflory
* [Felix Yan]( @felixonmars
* [Tim Zabel]( @Tjzabel

Thank you!


* Fix config options that always show as true. Remove redundant options.
  @felixonmars, #222.
* dependencies: Run `yarn upgrade` before last Node release. Fixes
  CVE-2020-7598. @jwflory, #276.

What's going on?

In case you missed the discussion in #163, the TeleIRC core maintainers
are hard at work on the next major version of TeleIRC, v2.0.0. It is a
full rewrite from NodeJS to Go. The rationale for this is explained over
in this blog post:

From this point forward, no further updates or development support are
given to the v1.x.x release versions. The changelog for this version is
already slim, which reflects the current focus of the team on the new
major version.

The core team is committed to providing limited support to those
currently using v1.x.x versions and some guidance on how to upgrade to
the v2.x.x release once it comes out in May 2020. While we will not add
new features or fix bugs, we will make our best attempt (as a team of
all volunteers, mostly students) to help those currently using TeleIRC
continue to use TeleIRC.

Thanks to all of the folks who have contributed to the v1.x.x releases
over the last four years. TeleIRC has always been a community effort and
our success would not have been possible without the great effort of
many folks to make this project better. A special shout-out to @repkam09
for launching this project all those years ago. 😄


Toggle v1.3.3's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Tjzabel Tim Zabel
September 2019 sprint release

This release allows for more authentication methods for IRC servers and
channels. TeleIRC is now able to properly authenticate with IRC channels
and servers that require a key or password.


Toggle v1.3.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Tjzabel Tim Zabel
Summer 2019 sprint release

The TeleIRC community is proud to present the v1.3.2 release.


* Tim Zabel (@Tjzabel)
* George Nikandrov (@gnikandrov)
* Justin W. Flory (@jwflory)


* Escape IRC messages as plaintext
* Add support for IRC server options
* Fix spacing in edited Telegram message prefix