Opening this issue for tracking the problems with tests found in 2020.01 release testing. Detailed issues can be found here.
Steps to reproduce the issue
./dist/tools/compile_and_test_for_board/ . z1 --jobs=4
Expected results
No failure
Actual results
Failures during compilation:
- tests/gnrc_ipv6_nib
- tests/gnrc_ipv6_nib_6ln
- tests/gnrc_sixlowpan_iphc_w_vrb
- tests/gnrc_sock_async_event
- tests/gnrc_sock_ip
- tests/gnrc_sock_neterr
- tests/gnrc_sock_udp
- tests/pkg_ucglib
Failures during test:
- tests/bench_runtime_coreapis
- tests/driver_grove_ledbar
- tests/driver_hd44780
- tests/driver_my9221
- tests/event_wait_timeout
- tests/evtimer_msg
- tests/periph_gpio
- tests/periph_timer_short_relative_set
- tests/pkg_c25519
- tests/pkg_heatshrink
- tests/pkg_lora-serialization
- tests/pkg_tiny-asn1
- tests/pkg_tweetnacl
- tests/pthread_tls
- tests/shell
- tests/sys_crypto
- tests/thread_flags_xtimer
2020.01-RC1, although issues are still present in master.
Would be interesting to see how many are fixed or changed with #12457