AFTAB is an implementation for the RV32IM RISC-V ISA and it is the first microprocessor architecture implementation inside the CNL_RISC-V project, which links together the CINI Cybersecurity National Laboratory and the University of Tehran.
AFTAB is an in-order, single-issue core with sequential stages and it has full support for the base integer instruction set (RV32I) and multiplication instruction set extension (RV32M). It implements a subset of the 1.9 privileged specification.
This version contains modification with respect to the original release ( at ). Modifications were done in order to support the CFI protection framework PROLEPSIS™ ( ). Applications have been added from the Embench IoT project ( ), and have been used for benchmarking the protection offered by the framework.
All the experimental data are reported under the folder /doc
All the detailed documentation, as well as requirements for installing software toolchain and simulate AFTAB is in the manual, under the folder /doc.
The software is built using CMake.
Create a build folder somewhere, e.g. in the /sw
mkdir build
Copy the
bash script to the build folder.
This script can be found in the /sw
subfolder of the repository.
Modify the
script to your needs and execute it inside the build folder.
This will setup everything to perform simulations using ModelSim.
Inside the build folder, execute
make vcompile
to compile the RTL libraries using ModelSim.
To run a simulation in the ModelSim GUI, use
make helloworld.vsim
To run simulations in the ModelSim console, use
make helloworld.vsimc
Replace helloworld
with the test/application you want to run.
All code and material is released under LGPL v3.0 ( ). Copyright (C) 2022 RHES Group Torino.