Releases: REAN-Foundation/awards-service
Releases · REAN-Foundation/awards-service
- Medication award fact model updated (#39) by @vinay-debug
🌟 Minor Changes
- Production deployment (#40) by @tabbasum-rean
This release was made possible by the following contributors:
- Updated how to earn badge content (#37) by @tabbasum-rean
- How to earn badge content api (#36) by @tabbasum-rean
- Feature/add aha workflows (#35) by @rf-opssupport
This release was made possible by the following contributors:
- Production deployment (#34) by @tabbasum-rean
- Delete prod.yml (#33) by @rf-opssupport
- Create prod.yml (#32) by @rf-opssupport
- Fixed batch count (#30) by @vinay-debug
- Added pr-ci-cd workflow (#29) by @rf-opssupport
- Change medication any to all (#28) by @vinay-debug
- Fixed issues with calculate continuity - applying unique key check. (#24) by @kiran-rean
- Added DNS prefix in uat-cicd (#27) by @rf-opssupport
- Updated uat-ci-cd.yml file (#26) by @rf-opssupport
- Added uat-ci-cd workflow (#25) by @rf-opssupport
- Add remove participants (#23) by @kiran-rean
- Add remove participants from the group (#22) by @kiran-rean
- Fixed issue with badge images upload (#21) by @tabbasum-rean
- Fixed file resource route (#20) by @tabbasum-rean
- Fixed issue with PublicUrl of badges (#19) by @tabbasum-rean
- vital award pipeline (#17) by @vinay-debug
- Mental health badge pipeline (#18) by @tabbasum-rean
- Get badge images API and seeded badge images in S3 (#16) by @tabbasum-rean
- award exercise pipeline (#15) by @vinay-debug
- Corrected Occurrence Spell (#14) by @tabbasum-rean
- participant badges classification response (#13) by @kiran-rean
- Made prefix allow null in person model (#12) by @vinay-debug
- Config-changes (#11) by @kiran-rean
- Added create database check for facts db (#3) by @kiran-rean
- Updated .env.sample (#2) by @kiran-kharade-inflection
🌟New features and non-breaking changes
- Production deployment (#31) by @tabbasum-rean
This release was made possible by the following contributors:
@Dattatraya-Londhe, @kiran-kharade-inflection, @kiran-rean, @rf-opssupport, @tabbasum-rean and @vinay-debug