This boilerplate gives you all you need to start a new custom widget for Mendix 5.6.0 and up.
The boilerplate contains:
- Directory structure.
- file.
- License.
- Javascript source.
- XSD for package.xml, to configure properties of the widget, visible inside the Mendix business modeler.
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Use this template to start building a widget for Mendix 5. Alter this file and describe what your widget does.
The javascript inside the widget has examples of:
- Using CSS within a Widget.
- Using templating.
- Loading external library's.
- DOM manipulation.
- Event attaching.
- Loading data.
- Executing microflow and sending data.
- Working with the context object (The object that is send by a contextview , for instance a dataview).
The javascript contains a really extensive list of modules that may be used to build the widget. It is best to reduce this list to what is actually used. Plugins like jsLint for Notepad++ will show unused objects. Be sure to keep the module name array and the parameter list of the anonymous function below the module list in sync!
The following modules are necessary for all widgets:
- dojo/_base/declare
- mxui/widget/_WidgetBase
- dijit/_Widget
If your widget does not use an HTML template:
- Remove dijit/_TemplatedMixin from the module list
- Remove _Templated from the parameter list of the anonymous function below the module list
- Remove _Templated from the parameter list of the declare call
- Remove the templates folder
If your widget does not need jQuery:
- Remove WidgetName/widget/lib/jquery from the module list
- Remove _jQuery from the parameter list of the anonymous function below the module list
- Remove _jQuery from the parameter list of the declare call
- Remove jquery.js from src\WidgetName\widget\lib\ Or remove the lib folder if you don't include external libraries in the widget.
A widget that uses Dojo AMD may not refer to functions like dojo.query etc. All necessary modules must be declared on the module list at the top of the source.
Replacing all 'old' Dojo calls in an existing source can be a bit of a pain.
Here is a list of commonly used functions and their AMD counterpart:
Old | New |
mxui.dom | domMx |
dojo.byId | dom.byId |
dojo.query | domQuery |
dojo.forEach | dojoArray.forEach |
dojo.hitch | lang.hitch |
dojo.addClass | domClass.add |
dojo.removeClass | domClass.remove |
dojo.hasClass | domClass.contains |
dojo.replaceClass | domClass.replace |
dojo.empty | domConstruct.empty | | |
dojo.on | on |
dojo.window | win |
Do not use domQuery.query! Just domQuery
The referenced modules are in the module list of the boilerplate javascript