A plugin for you to edit a bunch of daily notes in one page(inline), which works similar to Roam Research's default daily note view.
- Open a daily note editor page to edit a bunch of daily notes in one page/inline.
- You can open it from command.
- You can open it from left ribbon.
- Hover Editor: I use code from this plugin to generate workspace leaf in my view.
- Obsidian Daily Notes Interface: I use code from this api to get all dailynotes and generate daily note.
- Make.md: inspired me to create this plugin.
Please say thank you to NothingisLost && pjeby from Hover Editor
And Make.md works with more features than this plugin, please consider to use it.
If you still feel generous and enjoy this plugin then please support my work and enthusiasm by buying me a coffee on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/boninall.