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BaseX Dockerfile

multi-arch docker buildx

Experiments with an alternative BaseX multi-architecture docker image.


  • Supported platforms linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7

  • Images are published to docker hub and github container repositories for each release. See github action script buildx.yml.

  • Runs as user 1000 rather than 1984 (see

  • $BASEX_JVM environment support

Additional libraries supplied in image

The image includes the jars below in /lib/custom

  • saxon-HE-x.y.jar from Saxonica to lib/custom for XSLT 3.0 support
  • xmlresolver-x.y.jar xmlresolver


This image from docker hub

docker pull quodatum/basexhttp:latest

This image from github

docker pull

Usage examples

Simple test

Create and start a container named basex10 running the BaseX 10.3 http server on port 8080

docker run --name basex10 -p 8080:8080 -d quodatum/basexhttp:basex-10.3 

Confirm working by browsing to site root page i.e. http://your-host:8080/. The DBA and Chat apps can not be used because no users are defined.

To create the admin user. Shell into the container...

 docker exec -it basex10 /bin/sh

and run

echo "your password" | basex -cPASSWORD

Restart the container to pick up the change.

docker container restart basex10

Persist data and settings to a volume

docker volume create my-basex-data 

docker run  -p 8080:8080 \
            -v my-basex-data:/srv/basex/data \
            -d quodatum/basexhttp:latest 

Persist data and settings to a local folder

mkdir data 
chown -R 1000:1000 data

docker run  -p 8080:8080 \
            -v `pwd`/data:/srv/basex/data \
            -d quodatum/basexhttp:latest 

Shadow web server root page

cat root.xqm
module namespace _ = 'urn:quodatum:test';
declare %rest:GET %rest:path('') %output:method('text')
function _:root(){
"Hello, I'm a new text only front page"

docker run  -p 8080:8080 \
            -v `pwd`/data:/srv/basex/data \
            -v `pwd`/root.xqm:/srv/basex/webapp/restxq.xqm \
            -d quodatum/basexhttp:latest


docker run  -p 28080:8080 \
            -v `pwd`/webapp:/srv/basex/webapp \
            -v `pwd`/repo:/srv/basex/repo \

Supported JVM versions

Tested largely with eclipse-temurin:17-jre. This is based on ubuntu latest. It is used because it is available for all the supported platforms. *

Dockerfile notes

JVM options


  • --add-opens java.base/
  • --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED




See also

The official BaseX image on docker hub. Currently unmaintained. More information at basex#2051

docker pull basex/basexhttp:latest
