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Merge pull request #7 from wwangnju/BerryBranch
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Berry branch
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waltergu authored Jan 5, 2024
2 parents 2cd2e88 + f0869f5 commit 680c83b
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Showing 4 changed files with 196 additions and 39 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ TimerOutputs = "a759f4b9-e2f1-59dc-863e-4aeb61b1ea8f"

Optim = "1.7"
QuantumLattices = "0.9.10"
QuantumLattices = "0.9.12"
RecipesBase = "1.2"
TimerOutputs = "0.5"
julia = "1.8 - 1.9"
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/examples/
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Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,15 @@ berry = sc(:BerryCurvatureExtended, BerryCurvature(reciprocalzone, [1, 2]))

The total Berry curvatures of occupied bands can also be computed on a reciprocal path with Kubo method:
```@example p+ip
# compute the total Berry curvature
berry = sc(:BerryCurvaturePath, BerryCurvature(path, Kubo(0.0)))
# plot the Berry curvature

## Edge states

With tiny modification on the algorithm, the edge states of the p+ip topological superconductor could also be computed:
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219 changes: 181 additions & 38 deletions src/TightBindingApproximation.jl
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@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
module TightBindingApproximation

using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, Eigen, Hermitian, cholesky, dot, inv, norm
using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, Eigen, Hermitian, cholesky, dot, inv, norm, logdet, normalize
using Optim: LBFGS, Options, optimize
using Printf: @sprintf
using QuantumLattices: expand
using QuantumLattices: plain, Boundary, CompositeIndex, Hilbert, Index, Internal, Metric, Table, Term, statistics
using QuantumLattices: Action, Algorithm, AnalyticalExpression, Assignment, CompositeGenerator, Entry, Frontend, OperatorGenerator, Parameters, RepresentationGenerator
using QuantumLattices: periods
using QuantumLattices: periods, volume
using QuantumLattices: ID, MatrixRepresentation, Operator, Operators, OperatorUnitToTuple, iidtype
using QuantumLattices: Elastic, FID, Fock, Hooke, Hopping, Kinetic, Onsite, Pairing, Phonon, PID, isannihilation, iscreation
using QuantumLattices: AbstractLattice, BrillouinZone, Neighbors, ReciprocalPath, ReciprocalSpace, ReciprocalZone, bonds, icoordinate, rcoordinate, shrink
using QuantumLattices: atol, rtol, decimaltostr, getcontent, shape
using RecipesBase: RecipesBase, @recipe, @series, @layout
using TimerOutputs: TimerOutput, @timeit_debug

import LinearAlgebra: eigen, eigvals, eigvecs, ishermitian
import QuantumLattices: add!, dimension, kind, matrix, update!
import QuantumLattices: initialize, run!
import QuantumLattices: contentnames

export Bosonic, Fermionic, Phononic, TBAKind
export AbstractTBA, TBA, TBAMatrix, TBAMatrixRepresentation, commutator
export BerryCurvature, DensityOfStates, EnergyBands, FermiSurface, InelasticNeutronScatteringSpectra
export BerryCurvature, DensityOfStates, EnergyBands, FermiSurface, InelasticNeutronScatteringSpectra, Kubo, Fukui, BerryCurvatureMethod
export SampleNode, deviation, optimize!

const tbatimer = TimerOutput()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,83 +401,225 @@ function run!(tba::Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, eb::Assignment{<:EnergyBands})[2][i, :] = real(eigenvalues)
abstract type BerryCurvatureMethod end
Abstract type for calculation of Berry curvature.
BerryCurvature{B<:Union{BrillouinZone, ReciprocalZone}, O} <: Action
abstract type BerryCurvatureMethod end
Fukui <: BerryCurvatureMethod
Berry curvature of energy bands with the spirit of a momentum space discretization method by [Fukui et al, JPSJ 74, 1674 (2005)](
Fukui method to calculate Berry curvature of energy bands. see [Fukui et al, JPSJ 74, 1674 (2005)]( Hall conductivity (single band) is given by
\\sigma_{xy} = -{e^2\\over h}\\sum_n c_n, \\nonumber \\\\
c_n = {1\\over 2\\pi}\\int_{BZ}{dk_x dk_y Ω_{xy}},
\\Omega_{xy}=(\\nabla\\times {\\bm A})_z,
A_{x}=i\\langle u_n|\\partial_x|u_n\\rangle.
struct BerryCurvature{B<:Union{BrillouinZone, ReciprocalZone}, O} <: Action
struct Fukui <: BerryCurvatureMethod
@inline Fukui(bands::AbstractVector{Int}; abelian::Bool=true) = Fukui(collect(bands), abelian)
Kubo{K<:Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}} <: BerryCurvatureMethod
Kubo method to calculate the total Berry curvature of occupied energy bands. The Kubo formula is given by
\\Omega_{ij}(\\bm k)=\\epsilon_{ijl}\\sum_{n}f(\\epsilon_n(\\bm k))b_n^l(\\bm k)=-2{\\rm Im}\\sum_v\\sum_c{V_{vc,i}(\\bm k)V_{cv,j}(\\bm k)\\over [\\omega_c(\\bm k)-\\omega_v(\\bm k)]^2},
V_{cv,j}={\\langle u_{c\\bm k}|{\\partial H\\over \\partial {\\bm k}_j}|u_{v\\bm k}\\rangle}
v and c subscripts denote valence (occupied) and conduction (unoccupied) bands, respectively.
Hall conductivity in 2D space is given by
\\sigma_{xy}=-{e^2\\over h}\\int_{BZ}{dk_x dk_y\\over 2\\pi}{\\Omega_{xy}}
struct Kubo{K<:Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}} <: BerryCurvatureMethod
@inline Kubo::Real; d::Float64=0.1, kx::T=nothing, ky::T=nothing) where {T<:Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}} = Kubo(convert(Float64, μ), d, kx, ky)
BerryCurvature{B<:ReciprocalSpace, M<:BerryCurvatureMethod, O} <: Action
Berry curvature of energy bands.
struct BerryCurvature{B<:ReciprocalSpace, M<:BerryCurvatureMethod, O} <: Action
@inline BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace::Union{BrillouinZone, ReciprocalZone}, bands::AbstractVector{Int}; options...) = BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace, collect(bands), options)
@inline BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace::ReciprocalSpace, method::BerryCurvatureMethod; options...) = BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace, method, options)
@inline BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace::ReciprocalPath; method=Kubo(0.0), options...) = BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace, method, options)
@inline BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace::Union{BrillouinZone, ReciprocalZone}, bands::AbstractVector{Int}, abelian::Bool=true; options...) = BerryCurvature(reciprocalspace, Fukui(bands; abelian=abelian), options)

# For the Berry curvature and Chern number on the first Brillouin zone
@inline function initialize(bc::BerryCurvature{<:BrillouinZone}, ::AbstractTBA)
# For the Berry curvature and Chern number (Berry phase ÷ 2π) on the first Brillouin zone
@inline function initialize(bc::BerryCurvature{<:BrillouinZone, <:Fukui}, ::AbstractTBA)
@assert length(bc.reciprocalspace.reciprocals)==2 "initialize error: Berry curvature should be defined for 2d systems."
ny, nx = map(length, shape(bc.reciprocalspace))
z = zeros(Float64, ny, nx, length(bc.bands))
n = zeros(Float64, length(bc.bands))
z, n = bc.method.abelian ? (zeros(Float64, ny, nx, length(bc.method.bands)), zeros(Float64, length(bc.method.bands))) : (zeros(Float64, ny, nx, 1), zeros(Float64, 1))
return (bc.reciprocalspace, z, n)
function eigvecs(tba::Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, bc::Assignment{<:BerryCurvature{<:BrillouinZone}})
function eigvecs(tba::Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, bc::Assignment{<:BerryCurvature{<:BrillouinZone, <:Fukui}})
eigenvectors = eigvecs(tba, bc.action.reciprocalspace; bc.action.options...)
ny, nx = map(length, shape(bc.action.reciprocalspace))
result = Matrix{eltype(eigenvectors)}(undef, nx+1, ny+1)
for i=1:nx+1, j=1:ny+1
result[i, j] = eigenvectors[Int(keytype(bc.action.reciprocalspace)(i, j))][:, bc.action.bands]
result[i, j] = eigenvectors[Int(keytype(bc.action.reciprocalspace)(i, j))][:, bc.action.method.bands]
return result

# For the Berry curvature on a specific zone in the reciprocal space
@inline function initialize(bc::BerryCurvature{<:ReciprocalZone}, ::AbstractTBA)
# For the Berry curvature and Berry phase (÷2π) on a specific zone in the reciprocal space
@inline function initialize(bc::BerryCurvature{<:ReciprocalZone, <:Fukui}, ::AbstractTBA)
@assert length(bc.reciprocalspace.reciprocals)==2 "initialize error: Berry curvature should be defined for 2d systems."
ny, nx = map(length, shape(bc.reciprocalspace))
z = zeros(Float64, ny-1, nx-1, length(bc.bands))
return (shrink(bc.reciprocalspace, 1:nx-1, 1:ny-1), z)
z, n = bc.method.abelian ? (zeros(Float64, ny-1, nx-1, length(bc.method.bands)), zeros(Float64, length(bc.method.bands))) : (zeros(Float64, ny-1, nx-1, 1), zeros(Float64, 1))
return (shrink(bc.reciprocalspace, 1:nx-1, 1:ny-1), z, n)
function eigvecs(tba::Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, bc::Assignment{<:BerryCurvature{<:ReciprocalZone}})
function eigvecs(tba::Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, bc::Assignment{<:BerryCurvature{<:ReciprocalZone, <:Fukui}})
eigenvectors = eigvecs(tba, bc.action.reciprocalspace; bc.action.options...)
ny, nx = map(length, shape(bc.action.reciprocalspace))
result = Matrix{eltype(eigenvectors)}(undef, nx, ny)
count = 1
for i=1:nx, j=1:ny
result[i, j] = eigenvectors[count][:, bc.action.bands]
result[i, j] = eigenvectors[count][:, bc.action.method.bands]
count += 1
return result
# For the Berry curvature and Berry phase (÷2π) on the Brillouin zone or reciprocal zone.
@inline function initialize(bc::BerryCurvature{<:Union{ReciprocalZone, BrillouinZone}, <:Kubo}, ::AbstractTBA)
@assert length(bc.reciprocalspace.reciprocals)==2 "initialize error: Berry curvature should be defined for 2d systems."
ny, nx = map(length, shape(bc.reciprocalspace))
z = zeros(Float64, ny, nx, 1)
n = zeros(1)
return (bc.reciprocalspace, z, n)
# For the Berry curvature on a specific path in the reciprocal space.
@inline function initialize(bc::BerryCurvature{<:ReciprocalPath, <:Kubo}, ::AbstractTBA)
np = length(bc.reciprocalspace)
z = zeros(Float64, np)
return (bc.reciprocalspace, z)
function _minilength(rs::ReciprocalSpace)
if typeof(rs) <: ReciprocalPath
d = minimum([step(rs, i) for i in 1:length(rs)-1])
ny, nx = map(length, shape(rs))
d = minimum(norm, [rs.reciprocals[1]/nx, rs.reciprocals[2]/ny])
return d
function _kubo(tba::Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, bc::Assignment{<:BerryCurvature{<:ReciprocalSpace, <:Kubo}})
dim = dimension(bc.action.reciprocalspace)
@assert dim (2, 3) "_eigendHk error: only two-dimensional and three-dimensional reciprocal spaces are supported."
d, kx, ky = bc.action.method.d, bc.action.method.kx,
ml = _minilength(bc.action.reciprocalspace)
if isa(kx, Nothing)
dx, dy = dim==2 ? (d*ml*[1.0, 0.0], d*ml*[0.0, 1.]) : (d*ml*[1., 0.0, 0.0], d*ml*[0.0, 1., 0.0])
dx, dy = ml*d*normalize(kx), ml*d*normalize(ky)
@assert dot(dx, dy) == 0.0 "_eigendHk error: kx vector and ky vector should be perpendicular to each other in the plane."
μ = bc.action.method.μ
Ωxys = Float64[]
for momentum in bc.action.reciprocalspace
eigensystem = eigen(tba; k=momentum, bc.action.options...)
mx₁, mx₂ = matrix(tba; k=momentum + dx, bc.action.options...), matrix(tba; k=momentum - dx, bc.action.options...)
my₁, my₂ = matrix(tba; k=momentum + dy, bc.action.options...), matrix(tba; k=momentum - dy, bc.action.options...)
dHx = (mx₂ - mx₁)/norm(2*dx)
dHy = (my₂ - my₁)/norm(2*dy)
res = 0.0
for (i, valv) in enumerate(eigensystem.values)
valv > μ && continue
vs₁ = eigensystem.vectors[:, i]
for (j, valc) in enumerate(eigensystem.values)
valc < μ && continue
vs₂ = eigensystem.vectors[:, j]
velocity_x = vs₁'*dHx*vs₂
velocity_y = vs₂'*dHy*vs₁
res += -2*imag(velocity_x*velocity_y/(valc-valv)^2)
push!(Ωxys, res)
return Ωxys

# Compute the Berry curvature and optionally, the Chern number
# Compute the Berry curvature and optionally, the Chern number or Berry phase (÷ 2π)
function run!(tba::Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, bc::Assignment{<:BerryCurvature})
eigenvectors = eigvecs(tba, bc)
g = isnothing(getcontent(tba.frontend, :commutator)) ? Diagonal(ones(Int, dimension(tba))) : inv(getcontent(tba.frontend, :commutator))
@timeit_debug tba.timer "Berry curvature" for i = 1:size(eigenvectors)[1]-1, j = 1:size(eigenvectors)[2]-1
vs₁ = eigenvectors[i, j]
vs₂ = eigenvectors[i+1, j]
vs₃ = eigenvectors[i+1, j+1]
vs₄ = eigenvectors[i, j+1]
for k = 1:length(bc.action.bands)
p₁ = vs₁[:, k]'*g*vs₂[:, k]
p₂ = vs₂[:, k]'*g*vs₃[:, k]
p₃ = vs₃[:, k]'*g*vs₄[:, k]
p₄ = vs₄[:, k]'*g*vs₁[:, k][2][j, i, k] = angle(p₁*p₂*p₃*p₄)
length( && ([3][k] +=[2][j, i, k]/2pi)
alg = bc.action.method
isa(bc.action.reciprocalspace, BrillouinZone) && (area = volume(bc.action.reciprocalspace.reciprocals)/length(bc.action.reciprocalspace))
isa(bc.action.reciprocalspace, ReciprocalZone) && ( area = bc.action.reciprocalspace.volume/length(bc.action.reciprocalspace))
if isa(alg, Fukui)
eigenvectors = eigvecs(tba, bc)
g = isnothing(getcontent(tba.frontend, :commutator)) ? Diagonal(ones(Int, dimension(tba))) : inv(getcontent(tba.frontend, :commutator))
if alg.abelian
@timeit_debug tba.timer "Berry curvature" for i = 1:size(eigenvectors)[1]-1, j = 1:size(eigenvectors)[2]-1
vs₁ = eigenvectors[i, j]
vs₂ = eigenvectors[i+1, j]
vs₃ = eigenvectors[i+1, j+1]
vs₄ = eigenvectors[i, j+1]
for k = 1:length(alg.bands)
p₁ = vs₁[:, k]'*g*vs₂[:, k]
p₂ = vs₂[:, k]'*g*vs₃[:, k]
p₃ = vs₃[:, k]'*g*vs₄[:, k]
p₄ = vs₄[:, k]'*g*vs₁[:, k][2][j, i, k] = -angle(p₁*p₂*p₃*p₄)/area
length( && ([3][k] +=[2][j, i, k]*area/2pi)
@timeit_debug tba.timer "Berry curvature" for i = 1:size(eigenvectors)[1]-1, j = 1:size(eigenvectors)[2]-1
vs₁ = eigenvectors[i, j]
vs₂ = eigenvectors[i+1, j]
vs₃ = eigenvectors[i+1, j+1]
vs₄ = eigenvectors[i, j+1]
p₁ = (vs₁'*g*vs₂)
p₂ = (vs₂'*g*vs₃)
p₃ = (vs₃'*g*vs₄)
p₄ = (vs₄'*g*vs₁)[2][j, i, 1] = -imag(logdet(p₁*p₂*p₃*p₄))/area
length( && ([3][1] +=[2][j, i, 1]*area/2pi)
@warn "This method (nonabelian case for `Fukui` method) is not verified in bosonic system."
else isa(alg, Kubo)
Ωxys = _kubo(tba, bc)
if typeof(bc.action.reciprocalspace) <: Union{ReciprocalZone, BrillouinZone}
ny, nx = map(length, shape(bc.action.reciprocalspace))[2][:, :, 1] = reshape(Ωxys, ny, nx)[3][1] = sum(Ωxys*area)/2pi
else[2][:] = Ωxys[:]
length( && @info (@sprintf "Chern numbers: %s" join([@sprintf "%s(%s)" cn band for (cn, band) in zip([4], bc.action.bands)], ", "))

# Plot the Berry curvature and optionally, the Chern number
# Plot the Berry curvature and optionally, the Chern number or Berry phase (÷2π)
@recipe function plot(pack::Tuple{Algorithm{<:AbstractTBA}, Assignment{<:BerryCurvature}})
subtitles --> if length(pack[2].data)==3
[@sprintf("band %s (C = %s)", band, decimaltostr(chn)) for (band, chn) in zip(pack[2].action.bands, pack[2].data[3])]
if isa(pack[2].action.method, Fukui)
if pack[2].action.method.abelian
[@sprintf("band %s (ϕ/2π = %s)", band, decimaltostr(chn)) for (band, chn) in zip(pack[2].action.method.bands, pack[2].data[3])]
[@sprintf("sum bands %s (ϕ/2π = %s)", pack[2].action.method.bands, decimaltostr(pack[2].data[3][1]))]
[@sprintf("occupied bands (μ = %s) (ϕ/2π = %s)", pack[2].action.method.μ, decimaltostr(pack[2].data[3][1]))]
[@sprintf("band %s", band) for band in pack[2].action.bands]
[@sprintf("occupied band (μ = %s)", pack[2].action.method.μ)]
subtitlefontsize --> 8
plot_title --> nameof(pack[1], pack[2])
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/TightBindingApproximation.jl
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brillouin = BrillouinZone(reciprocals(unitcell), 100)
savefig(plot(sc(:BerryCurvature, BerryCurvature(brillouin, [1, 2]))), "bc.png")
savefig(plot(sc(:BerryCurvatureNonabelian, BerryCurvature(brillouin, [1, 2], false))), "bctwobands.png")

reciprocalzone = ReciprocalZone(reciprocals(unitcell), [-2.0=>2.0, -2.0=>2.0]; length=201, ends=(true, true))
savefig(plot(sc(:BerryCurvatureExtended, BerryCurvature(reciprocalzone, [1, 2]))), "bcextended.png")
kubobc = sc(:BerryCurvatureKubo, BerryCurvature(reciprocalzone, Kubo(0; d=0.1, kx=[1., 0], ky=[0, 1.])))
savefig(plot(kubobc), "bcextended_Kubo.png")

savefig(plot(sc(:BerryCurvaturePath, BerryCurvature(path; method=Kubo(0.0)))), "bcpath.png")

@time @testset "FermiSurface and DensityOfStates" begin
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