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Low-Rank Quantization-Aware Training for LLMs

This repository contains the implementation experiments for the paper presented in

Yelysei Bondarenko1, Riccardo Del Chiaro1, Markus Nagel1, "Low-Rank Quantization-Aware Training for LLMs", NeurIPS 2024 submission. [ArXiv]

1 Qualcomm AI Research (Qualcomm AI Research is an initiative of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.)

Table of Contents:


In this paper we propose LR-QAT -- a lightweight and memory-efficient QAT algorithm for LLMs. LR-QAT employs several components to save memory without sacrificing performance: (a) low-rank quantization-aware reparameterization; (b) downcasting operation using fixed-point or double-packing and (c) checkpointing.

Unlike most related work, our method (i) is inference-efficient, leading to no additional overhead compared to traditional PTQ; (ii) can be seen as a general extended pre-training framework, meaning that the resulting model can still be utilized for any downstream task afterwards; (iii) is orthogonal to most of recent PTQ methods and thus can be seamlessly combined with them.

We apply LR-QAT to the LLaMA-1/2/3 and Mistral model families and validate its effectiveness on several downstream tasks. Our method outperforms most of recent LLM quantization approaches and reaches the same model performance as full-model QAT at the fraction of its memory usage. Specifically, we can train a 7B LLM on a single consumer grade GPU with 24GB memory.


Weight-only quantization

Weight-activation quantization

Getting Started

Repository structure

├── accelerate_configs  # HuggingFace accelerate configs
├── docker  # dockerfile and requirements files
├── img
├── lmeval  # LM eval code
├── models  # source code for quantized LLMs
├── quantization  # quantization tools and implementation of our methods
│   └── quantizers
├── utils
└──  # training/validating LLMs

How to install

with Docker (recommended)

You can build and run the docker container as follows

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --tag low_rank_qat:latest .
docker run -ti low_rank_qat:latest

Note that you might need to mount some directories (path to datasets) inside the docker container, and port mapping for accessing Tensorboard. You can add these options like so: docker run ... -v /local/path/to/dataset:/app/dataset -p <PORT>:<PORT>

without Docker

Set locale variables and add the project root directory to your pythonpath:

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export LANG=C.UTF-8
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:$(realpath "$PWD")

Make sure to have Python ≥3.6 (tested with Python 3.9.5) and ensure the latest version of pip (tested with 24.0):

pip install --upgrade --no-deps pip

Next, install PyTorch 1.13 with the appropriate CUDA version (tested with CUDA 11.7, CuDNN 8.5.0):

pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117

Install the remaining dependencies using pip:

pip install -r docker/requirements.txt

Models and datasets

  • The code expects a path to a pre-trained model checkpoint from HuggingFace & a path to a pre-tokenized SlimPajama dataset.
  • You can use other datasets like Wikipedia or Wikitext, for debugging, by specifying a different --dataset-setup. All non-SlimPajama datasets will be downloaded and tokenized automatically if not present in --data-cache-dir.

Run commands

Example run command (Tiny-LLaMA)

After the installation is complete, you can verify that the code is working as intended by running the following command that trains a Tiny-LLaMA for a few iterations

accelerate launch --config_file accelerate_configs/1gpu_no_mp.yaml train-quantized \
--weight-quant \
--per-channel \
--print-parameters \
--print-quant-ranges \
--with-tracking \
--no-eval-extra-datasets \
--learn-ranges \
--use-checkpointing \
--use-bf16 --use-bf16-ab \
--save-model \
--seed 1000 \
--dataset-setup wikitext_2 \
--num-workers 0 \
--data-cache-dir ~/.hf_data \
--validation-num-batches 8 \
--model-type llama \
--model-name-or-path TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-1431k-3T \
--block-size 1024 \
--preprocessing-type join_nn \
--model-cache-dir ~/.hf_cache \
--learning-rate 5e-05 \
--beta2 0.95 \
--lr-scheduler-type linear \
--max-train-steps 2 \
--num-warmup-steps 1 \
--per-device-train-batch-size 1 \
--per-device-eval-batch-size 1 \
--gradient-accumulation-steps 1 \
--max-grad-norm 1.0 \
--weight-decay 0.0 \
--tqdm-update-interval 1 \
--eval-every-step 100 \
--qmethod symmetric_uniform \
--n-bits 4 \
--num-est-batches 1 \
--quant-setup FP_head_embd_norm \
--quant-scales-weight-decay 0.0 \
--lora-method lr_qat_fixed_point8 \
--lora-r 4 \
--lr-ab 0.001 \
--param-group lora_head_norm_embd \
--scales-lr 1e-05 \
--weight-quant-method current_minmax \
--act-quant \
--qmethod-act dynamic_asymmetric_uniform \
--act-quant-bits "a8" \
--output-dir tmp

Example run output (Tiny-LLaMA)

INFO:CLM_main:LoRA fused: perplexity: 14.242778409807016 eval_loss: 2.65625                                                                           | 8/333 [00:03<02:23,  2.26it/s]
INFO:CLM_main:>>> Training done
INFO:CLM_main:>> Running train loss: 2.533
INFO:CLM_main:>> Total train time:. Elapsed time: 3.650 sec
INFO:CLM_main:>> Total eval time:. Elapsed time: 7.863 sec

Reproducing results

Below is the run command for reproducing main results (W4 per-channel, LLaMA-1/2/3).

accelerate launch --config_file accelerate_configs/1gpu_bf16.yaml train-quantized \
--weight-quant \
--no-act-quant \
--per-channel \
--learn-ranges \
--use-bf16 \
--use-bf16-ab \
--use-checkpointing \
--seed 1000 \
--dataset-setup slimpajama_wiki \
--slimpajama-pretokenized-path "<PATH_TO_PRETOKENIZED_SLIMPAJAMA>" \
--data-cache-dir ~/.hf_data \
--validation-num-batches 512 \
--model-type llama \
--model-name-or-path "<PATH_TO_LLAMA_CHECKPOINT>" \
--block-size 1024 \
--model-cache-dir ~/.hf_cache \
--learning-rate 5e-05 \
--beta2 0.95 \
--lr-scheduler-type linear \
--max-train-steps 10000 \
--num-warmup-steps 1000 \
--eval-every-step 250 \
--per-device-train-batch-size 4 \
--per-device-eval-batch-size 1 \
--gradient-accumulation-steps 8 \
--max-grad-norm 1.0 \
--weight-decay 0.0 \
--qmethod symmetric_uniform \
--n-bits 4 \
--quant-setup FP_head_embd_norm \
--quant-scales-weight-decay 0 \
--lora-method lr_qat_fixed_point8 \
--lora-r 32 \
--lr-ab 0.001 \
--param-group lora \
--scales-lr 1e-05 \
--weight-quant-method LP_p4 \
--weight-opt-method grid \
--output-dir "<OUTPUT_DIR>"



To run for Mistral model:

--model-type mistral
--model-name-or-path "<PATH_TO_MISTRAL_CHECKPOINT>"

Quantization settings

  • to enable groupwise quantization:
--weight-quant-block-size 128
  • to enable activation quantization, e.g. W4-A8:
--act-quant \
--qmethod-act dynamic_asymmetric_uniform \
--act-quant-bits "a8" \
  • ... W4-A8-KV4:
--act-quant \
--qmethod-act dynamic_asymmetric_uniform \
--act-quant-bits "a8kv4"
  • ... W4-A4:
--act-quant \
--qmethod-act dynamic_asymmetric_uniform \
--act-quant-bits "a4"
  • to get PTQ baseline (RTN) results, you can run a training script with 0 iterations:
--learning-rate 0 \
--lr-ab 0  \
--max-train-steps 0  \
--num-warmup-steps 0 \
--per-device-train-batch-size 1 \
--per-device-eval-batch-size 1 \
--gradient-accumulation-steps 1 \

Result visualization

The results and TensorBoard files are stored in the --output-dir location. To visualize these through Tensorboard run the following: tensorboard logdir=<OUTPUT_DIR> host=<HOST_IP_ADDRESS>


If you find our work useful, please cite

  title={Low-Rank Quantization-Aware Training for LLMs},
  author={Bondarenko, Yelysei and Del Chiaro, Riccardo and Nagel, Markus},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.06385},


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