This is the repository for the Qbus Mqtt Gateway application. With this application you can communicate with all Qbus CTD controller over an MQTT server. More information can be found here:
If you prefer to use a docker image, then you can use this one
The software requires a few dependecies. sudo apt-get install -y tftp unzip
If you don't have a MQTT server, we recommand using Mosquitto.
First we need to unzip the tar files (this example uses the arm version, if you are installing on a Linux machine, use the correct version - arm / x86 / x64):
tar -xf qbusMqtt/qbusMqtt/qbusMqttGw/qbusMqttGw-arm.tar
Then we create the locations needed for the software:
sudo mkdir /usr/bin/qbus
sudo mkdir /opt/qbus
And copy the files to the correct locations:
sudo cp -R qbusMqtt/qbusMqtt/qbusMqttGw/qbusMqttGw-arm/fw/ /opt/qbus/
sudo cp qbusMqtt/qbusMqtt/qbusMqttGw/qbusMqttGw-arm/puttftp /opt/qbus/
sudo cp qbusMqtt/qbusMqtt/qbusMqttGw/qbusMqttGw-arm/qbusMqttGw /usr/bin/qbus/
Make files executable:
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/qbus/qbusMqttGw
sudo chmod +x /opt/qbus/puttftp
To use the client, we recomment to use a service. Create a new file:
And enter the following:
Description=MQTT client for Qbus communication networking.service
ExecStart= /usr/bin/qbus/./qbusMqttGw -serial="QBUSMQTTGW" -daemon true -logbuflevel -1 -logtostderr true -storagedir /opt/qbus -mqttbroker "tcp://localhost:1883" -mqttuser <user> -mqttpassword <password>
If your Mqtt broker is on another device, change "tcp://localhost:1883".
Replace <user> and <password> by you mosquitto credentials.
Now it's time to reload the servies:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the qbusmqtt service:
sudo systemctl enable qbusmqtt.service
Finally start the service:
sudo systemctl start qbusmqtt.service