Single cell analysis coupled with TCR sequencing of gastric tumor reveals complex intercellular interaction and an alternative T cell exhaustion trajectory
Code for the central analyses in the study.
There is no required non-standard hardware.
Red Hat 4.8.5-16, Linux version 3.10.0;
R version 3.5.1;
Python version 3.6.7;
This should take less than half an hour, with fast internet speed (e.g. 100 Mbps).
pip install numpy==1.19.5 pandas==1.1.5 matplotlib==3.3.4 seaborn==0.11.1 scipy==1.5.4
pip install scanpy==1.7.2
pip install scvelo==0.2.3
pip install pyscenic==0.11.0
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
pip install cellphonedb==2.00
Files in the ./Data folder are small real data from the study.
The expression matrices and annotations can be download from:
The scripts with .py and .r should be tested in an interactive console.
Instructions, expected outputs, and expected runtime are annotated in the scripts.
The way to run on full data is the same as that for the demo data.
We recommend to use absolute paths for files in the scripts.
pip uninstall umap-learn
conda install umap-learn
Sun, K., Xu, R., Ma, F. et al. scRNA-seq of gastric tumor shows complex intercellular interaction with an alternative T cell exhaustion trajectory. Nat Commun 13, 4943 (2022).