MoodleHost provides a simple CLI command to run an Apache web server with all the trimmings ready to run a Moodle environment for development or testing. It is based on the Docker image moodlehq/moodle-php-apache and adds xdebug with sessionkey PHPSTORM.
ATTENTION: The resulting web server is by no means secure. Never use it for production environments!
You need to have Docker installed to use MoodleHost.
To install MoodleHost on you need to run the install_moodlehost script as superuser (e.g. $ sudo ./install_moodlehost
This will place the moodlehost into /usr/local/bin/moodlehost
and the configuration file into /etc/moodlehost.conf
During the installation you will be prompted to edit the moodlehost configuration file. The configiuration file allows to set default values for the installation like the port and PHP version used when using the moodlehost command without options. Please note: Values in moodlehost.conf still may be overridden by options when running the moodlehost command.
The basic CLI command is
$ moodlehost [<options>] start / stop / purge / status
The available options are:
-d <db_host_ip>: set the IP address of the database server (default =
-f <path_to_filedir>: map an existing filedir repository into /var/www/moodledata/filedir
-h : a help page
-m <moodledata>: set path on host(!) to moodledata (default is $PWD/moodledata)
-n host: forcing docker to use the host network
-p <port>: set the port number used by Apache (default=80)
-v <php_version>: select the PHP version (default=7.2, allowed values: 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)
-w <webroot>: set the path to the webroot directory (default: $PWD)
To use moodlehost simply change into the directory you want to host. There you may issue '$ moodlehost start
' to start a server with default values (as of /etc/moodlehost.conf).
Now point your browser to "http://localhost" to see the resulting web page.
Please note: The resulting Docker container will be named 'moodlehost-<port>
' (e.g. 'moodlehost-80'). When using a different port value other than the default one you will need to use the same option to stop the server again or purge it's moodledata (see below).
Available commands are:
moodlehost <options> start: start moodlehost server
moodlehost <options> stop: stop given moodlehost server
moodlehost <options> purge: remove all moodledata but the filedir for the given moodlehost server
moodlehost status: return a status message for every moodlehost instance running
To allow to run a Moodle instance on any allowed port the setting for $CFG->wwwroot needs to be amended as shown in theconfig.php.sample
file. You may copy and modify it according to your setup. In this case please note as the IP address of the database server is mapped to 'db_host' inside the Docker container you may always address the$CFG->dbhost
with this, as shown in the sample.
v.1.6 2022-02-04