This is UserBot Telegram with many cool modules. Written in Python with Pyrogram.
Userbot Pyrogram yg dibuat Hanya Untuk Bersenang Senang
A Super Fast and Powerful Telegram bot for streaming music on telegram videochats, Powered by PyTgCalls and Pyrogram.
TrickyAbhii / chatgpt-bot
Forked from TeamKillerX/chatgpt-botAnother python3 chatgpt project. Made with pyrogram library.
PunPutra / khai-Telegram
Forked from ITZ-ZAID/TelegramTelegram Management Bot Most powerful more stable Telethon & ptb Based
Python example app from the OpenAI API quickstart tutorial
Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
Telegram Management Bot Most powerful more stable Telethon & ptb Based
An open source telegram group management bot written in python with the help of python-telegram-bot, telethon and pyrogram using sqlalchemy and mongodb as database.
A simple feed-back bot written in PHP. Like Livegram. Heroku Support
A First Telegram Userbot Project With Multi Client Based On PyroGram. You can use it for normal uses and for spamming etcs. Deploy upto 10ids!