This project is built using the MERN stack, Tailwind CSS, Redux Toolkit, and Firebase. It offers a comprehensive solution for managing real estate properties, providing a seamless user experience for both property owners and seekers.
- Frontend: React, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- Google Auth & image storage: Firebase
- State Management: Redux Toolkit
- Signup: Register a new account.
- Sign-in: Log in with an existing account.
- Google Sign-in: Log in using Google authentication.
- Profile Management: Update profile details or delete the profile.
- Sign-out: Log out from the account.
- Create Property: Add new property listings.
- Edit Property: Update existing property details.
- Delete Property: Remove property listings.
- Find properties by their title.
- Furnished
- Parking Spot
- Rent
- Sale
- Newest
- Oldest
- Price: Low to High
- Price: High to Low
- Sleek UI: Modern and attractive design.
- Responsive: Works on all devices.
- Reusable Components: Efficient and reusable UI components.
- Skeleton Loading: Graceful loading states for better UX.
- Notifications: React-hot-toast for showing messages and alerts.
- Detailed Property View: Comprehensive details of each property.
- Responsive Carousel: Amazing carousel for viewing property images.
- Contact Property Owner: Send messages to property owners directly from the app.
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact