UAM stands for Universal AutoMarker. It is a framework for testing student assignments written in a variety of programming languages, collecting the results, and exporting them for easy viewing using templates.
We currently provide full support for Python (pam) and Java (jam).
We are working on supporting SQL (sqam), Racket (ram), and Haskell (ham).
We welcome collaboration and contributions!
You need Python >= 3.3 installed on your system. Then, install the requirements listed in the file requirements.txt. The easiest way to do this is to use pip (pip3 for Python 3):
pip install -r /path_to_uam/requirements.txt
You can use virtualenv to avoid installing the packages system-wide.
To use JAM, you also need Java >= 7 installed in your system.
The top level directory contains the framework scripts (test runner, aggregator, and templator). The pam directory contains the Python AutoMarker with instructions and examples, and the jam directory contains the Java AutoMarker with instructions and examples.
See README files for pam and jam for specific instructions.
Please send comments, feedback and bugs to Currently, there is very limited support provided. We hope to improve.