For all support questions, ask in our Discord support chat. Do not create issues if you need help. Issues are for bug reporting and new features only.
- QBCore
- ps-dispatch
- oxmysql
- qb-apartments | Config available to enable or disable.
- Download ZIP
- Drag and drop resource into your server files, make sure to remove -main in the folder name
- Run the attached SQL script (mdt.sql)
- Start resource through server.cfg
- Restart your server.
Adds server export for inserting weaponinfo records, that can be used elsewhere in your server, such as weapon purchase, to add information to the mdt. Below is the syntax for this, all arguments are strings.
exports['ps-mdt']:CreateWeaponInfo(serial, imageurl, notes, owner, weapClass, weapModel)
- Your citizens can self-register weapons found on their inventory. Event to trigger is below if you're using qb-target.
- lj-inventory will come already with the changes needed for this to work.
- qb-inventory follow instructions below.
- Edit the following event
RegisterNetEvent('inventory:server:SetInventoryData', function(fromInventory, toInventory, fromSlot, toSlot, fromAmount, toAmount)
elseif QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[1] == "Itemshop" then
if Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("cash", price, "itemshop-bought-item") then
if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(, "_")[1] == "weapon" then = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4)) = 100
local serial =
local imageurl = ("https://cfx-nui-qb-inventory/html/images/%s.png"):format(
local notes = "Purchased at Ammunation"
local owner = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname .. " " .. Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
local weapClass = 1
local weapModel = QBCore.Shared.Items[].label
AddItem(src,, fromAmount, toSlot,
TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
exports['ps-mdt']:CreateWeaponInfo(serial, imageurl, notes, owner, weapClass, weapModel)
TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
elseif bankBalance >= price then
Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("bank", price, "itemshop-bought-item")
if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(, "_")[1] == "weapon" then = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4)) = 100
local serial =
local imageurl = ("https://cfx-nui-qb-inventory/html/images/%s.png"):format(
local notes = "Purchased at Ammunation"
local owner = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname .. " " .. Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
local weapClass = 1
local weapModel = QBCore.Shared.Items[].label
AddItem(src,, fromAmount, toSlot,
TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
exports['ps-mdt']:CreateWeaponInfo(serial, imageurl, notes, owner, weapClass, weapModel)
TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(src, "You don't have enough cash..", "error")
Support for Wolfknight Radar & Plate Reader
Plate reader automatically locks and alerts Police if:
- Vehicle owner is Wanted
- Vehicle owner has no drivers licence
- Vehicle has a BOLO
- Ensure you set "CONFIG.use_sonorancad = true" in wk_wars2x/config.lua
This reduces the plate reader events to player's vehicles and doesn't query the database for hundreds of NPC vehicles
Video Demonstration
- How do I add charges to a criminal in an Incident? - After finding and adding the criminal citizen to the incident, right-click in the space under the criminal's name and select "Add Charge".
- My dispatch calls are not being populated? - You have not started the dispatch resource before the mdt or renamed the dispatch resource name and not made the necessary changes in mdt to reflect that.
The below repos are direct forks of ps-mdt and have been edited to fit certain countries/look.
- Originally Echo RP MDT released by Flawws#999
- CQC-Scripting for their cqc-mugshot
- JoeSzymkowicz
- MonkeyWhisper
- Snipe
- BackSH00TER
- nggcasey
- OK1ez
- Crayons0814
- LeSiiN
- ImXirvin
- lenzh
- Everyone else that we may have missed, thank you!