released this
13 Apr 14:20
Overview document for feature highlights in v0.5.0
Invertible spatial transforms
base APIs
Batch inverse and decollating APIs
Inverse of Compose
Batch inverse event handling
Test-time augmentation as an application
Initial support of learning-based image registration:
Bending energy, LNCC, and global mutual information loss
Fully convolutional architectures
Dense displacement field, dense velocity field computation
Warping with high-order interpolation with C++/CUDA implementations
Deepgrow modules for interactive segmentation:
Workflows with simulations of clicks
Distance-based transforms for guidance signals
Digital pathology support:
Efficient whole slide imaging IO and sampling with Nvidia cuCIM and SmartCache
FROC measurements for lesion
Probabilistic post-processing for lesion detection
TorchVision classification model adaptor for fully convolutional analysis
12 new transforms, grid patch dataset, ThreadDataLoader
, EfficientNets B0-B7
4 iteration events for the engine for finer control of workflows
New C++/CUDA extensions:
Conditional random field
Fast bilateral filtering using the permutohedral lattice
Metrics summary reporting and saving APIs
DiceCELoss, DiceFocalLoss, a multi-scale wrapper for segmentation loss computation
Data loading utilities:
with inverse support
Support of slicing syntax for Dataset
Initial Torchscript support for the loss modules
Learning rate finder
Allow for missing keys in the dictionary-based transforms
Support of checkpoint loading for transfer learning
Various summary and plotting utilities for Jupyter notebooks
Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Major CI/CD enhancements covering the tutorial repository
Fully compatible with PyTorch 1.8
Initial nightly CI/CD pipelines using Nvidia Blossom Infrastructure
Enhanced list_data_collate
error handling
Unified iteration metric APIs
extensions are renamed to DenseNet*
network extensions are renamed to SERes*
Transform base APIs are rearranged into compose
, inverse
, and transform
flag for the random augmentations is unified via RandomizableTransform
Decoupled post-processing steps, e.g. softmax
, to_onehot_y
, from the metrics computations
Moved the distributed samplers to
Engine's data loaders now accept generic iterables as input
Workflows now accept additional custom events and state properties
Various type hints according to Numpy 1.20
Refactored testing utility
to have --unittest
and --net
integration tests options
Base Docker image upgraded to
Docker images are now built with self-hosted environments
Primary contact email updated to
Now using GitHub Discussions as the primary communication forum
Compatibility tests for PyTorch 1.5.x
Format specific loaders, e.g. LoadNifti
, NiftiDataset
Assert statements from non-test files
from module import *
statements, addressed flake8 F403
Uses American English spelling for code, as per PyTorch
Code coverage now takes multiprocessing runs into account
SmartCache with initial shuffling
now supports channel-first inputs
Checkpoint handler to save with non-root permissions
Fixed an issue for exiting the distributed unit tests
Unified DynUNet
to have single tensor output w/o deep supervision
now supports user-specified data types and a squeeze_end_dims
Fixed *Saver
event handlers output filenames with a data_root_dir
Load image functions now ensure little-endian
Fixed the test runner to support regex-based test case matching
Usability issues in the event handlers
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