Table of Contents
- Housekeeping
- The Problem
- User Story
- Request Type A/B
- Owner
- Summary
- Is This Really Necessary?
- Motivation
- Named concepts
- Examples, Risks & Assumptions
- Success Metrics
- Conceptual Design
- Drawbacks
- Alternatives
- New Data
- Business Release Date
Make sure to clearly understand Type-A and Type-B requests, and the relevant limitations. Failing to follow the guidelines pertaining to the two acceptable types of RFWs will automatically lead to disqualification of the RFW.
Take time to complete each section below with as much detail as is required to establish a comprehensive understanding about the underlying product specification.
The Problem
User Story
As a user I want to complete self-discovery quizzes to learn more about my preferences and earn ZEKE
- High business severity - Acts as a large incentive to complete self-discovery quizzes
- High business priority - Core feature highlighted to prospective users
Request Type A/B
Type B
Who is the owner of this request?
Luke Bragg
The utilisation of ZEKE as an incentive for users to build up their Profila with additional information through the use of Category Quizzes.
Is This Really Necessary?
As part of its ZKA strategy, Profila has created a blockchain based token with ZEKE, which will incentivise people to control (who has access to) their personal data via the Profila platform, will compensate internet users for participating in the ZKA ecosystem and help keep each other's identities (IP addresses) anonymous (through peer-to-peer technologies). To deliver this promise, the use of ZEKE as a way to incentivise the building of a users Profila is the "best way" to do so.
By implementing ZEKE as an incentive for users to build their Profila's through completing category specific quizzes, we encourage the partaking in the ZKA strategy that we are developing. We also integrate the functionality within Cardano via smart contract for storing information in relation to the respective tasks (quiz completion) and subsequent action (ZEKE payout). The scope of this request:
- The information which the smart contract will contain
- The logic for which ZEKE is awarded (which user action triggers a token earn)
- The reasoning and logic of the use of ZEKE as an incentive on the Profila platform
- The initial category setup and which are available to users
- The categories which become unlocked and by which actions (Category Logic)
- The use of ZEKE as user experience points (XP)
Named Concepts
Category Quizzes - These are self-discovery quizzes, segmented by category, that allow the Profila user to input their preferences on various subjects.
XP - Through various activities on the Profila platform, users will earn ZEKE. The ZEKE earned will act as a form of Experience Points (XP), allowing users to 'level up' their Profila as well as level up in individual categories.
Examples, Risks & Assumptions
- Explain concretely what will manifest as a result of this RFW.
- Profila platform users will be rewarded with ZEKE for carrying out self discovery quizzes
- Profila platform users will be motivated to learn more about their preferences and build a profile as a result of the incentive
- Platform users will earn XP for completing self discovery quizzes
- Platform users will unlock new categories through completion of default categories
- Explain how is it different from what is already manifesting i.e. what we already have?
- There is currently no way for users to receive ZEKE from completing self-discovery quizzes
- There is currently no way for users to receive XP for completing self-discovery quizzes
- There is currently no implemented logic for category unlock (which categories are unlocked by completing other categories)
- Explain what Profila users/brands will experience as a result of this RFW. How will they feel as a result of it? How will they benefit as a result of it?
- Profila users will experience a fun and rewarding way to fill out personal preferences in a variety of categories
- Profila users will have a way to earn ZEKE
- Profila users will feel more in control of their data in having a place where their preferences are recorded and stored privately, as opposed to relying on assumptions from traditional marketing data harvesting
- If applicable, provide sample messages for any new messages the system will display as a result of this RFW.
All sample messages for this RFW are noted in the conceptual design section below
- Define what is out of scope in this request.
The logic for exact amounts of ZEKE, and thereby XP, given for each action (quiz completion) is out of scope of this request. This RFW is focused on the blockchain integration of the smart contract for ZEKE payout and the correspondence of this to on platform XP (user Profila levelling)
The questions in each category are out of the scope of this RFW
The storage of the sent ZEKE (user wallet) is out of scope of this RFW
The badges and achievements logic is out of scope of this RFW
Lock scenarios (staking) is out of scope of this RFW
What are the data protection, privacy and security assumptions made for this request (example, should this be GDPR, HIPPA (healthcare), NIST compliant etc. - Speak to Michiel or Ipek!)
Explain how this user story will be supported (i.e customer support - if the user story fails technically, how will the user be supported).
Explain how this user story impacts revenue or billing (if applicable).
This directly impacts billing as users will be paid out ZEKE from our supply
- State any additional risks identified as a result of this user story.
Risk exists of users abusing these categories just to earn ZEKE tokens, rather than as a tool of self-discovery and a way to improve their relationships with brands.
Success Metrics
Users complete category quizzes and as a result receive ZEKE tokens, which act as a form of XP allowing the user to level up in that respective category as well as their overall Profila level.
Conceptual Design
Note: In the below conceptual design section, references are made to images and a design PDF. All of the references files are found in the ZIP below
- Categories have several quizzes
- Each Quiz has several questions
- The questions and quizzes will be hosted using QuestionPro
Action 1: completing a quiz will unlock other quizzes in the SAME category
Action 2 : completing all the quizzes in a Category will unlock a SIBLING Category
Gamified categories will let people earn ZEKE as they complete quizzes
The EARN scenario FOR the Categories:
- People sign up
- People see default categories
- People go to a quiz, answer the questions
- They earn tokens on completion, X number of tokens allocated on completion. (X will be defined in another RFW)
If a person answers all the questions in a quiz, only then they earn X number of tokens. (The questions must be answered totally so QuestionPro API should check that we have all the answers. Without answers, 1 submit button hit should not make the ZEKE earn.)
Levelling is done on an individual category basis as well as being linked to the user’s overall Profila level. By gaining XP (ZEKE), the user levels up in the respective category they have done quizzes in to acquire the XP, but simultaneously gains progress in their ‘Profila’ level
Level changing means:
Once a user completes a quiz in a category, they will be able to unlock the next quiz in the SAME category
Once a user completes a default category, they will be able to unlock another category from the (Enabled / Locked) categories.
Disabled Categories
There will be categories which are viewable in the app but not clickable. They are grey in color.
• Arts & Crafts
• Automotive
• Babies & Toddlers
• Books & Literature
• Consumer Electronics
• Entertainment
• Extreme Sports
• Fitness
• Games & Hobbies
• Gaming
• Home Improvement
• Lawn & Garden
• Movies
• Music
• Outdoor Recreation
• Personality
• Pets
• Science & Technology
• Shopping
• Sports
• Television
• The Arts
• Toys
• Wellness
• Your Home
Enabled & Active
On Day 1, these Categories are active, have quizzes, and the completion of all quizzes unlocks a sibling Category
• Non-alcoholic beverages
• Men’s fashion
• Travel & adventure
• Women’s fashion
• Food & drink
Enabled but Locked
On Day 1, these Categories are inactive, but can be unlocked by the completion of all the quizzes in its sibling Category (among the Enabled & Active categories mentioned above)
• Alcoholic beverages (unlocked by non-alcoholic beverages)
• Sporting goods (unlocked by men’s fashion
• World Cuisine (unlocked by Travel & adventure
• Cosmetics & makeup (unlocked by women’s fashion)
• Allergies & diets (unlocked by food & drink)
Categories are colour-coded based on status:
• Disabled Categories - clicking could either do nothing or a pop-up explaining it’s a future category
• Enabled but Locked - a darker grey with a lock the color of the Category. Clicking on it should produce a popup explaining how to unlock (by completing quizzes in a sibling category)
• Enabled & Active - normal colour and clickable to show listing of available quizzes
• Red Square: we have real estate we can use for icons that would should the various status dashboards: Tokens, badges, progress screen. Note, these shapes are just placeholders
Unlocked and Locked Quizzes within a Category
• Completed quiz - checkmark denoting the quiz has been completed. The quiz should then be locked so i can’t be completed again (a temp solution)
• Available quiz - denotes what level (1,2,3) and can be tapped to open the quiz
• Locked quizzes - greyed out, icon is a grey lock
The idea being that the quizzes are taken in order and some logic about opening new quizzes invoked, for instance
• all quizzes placed in 3 buckets. Completing bucket 1 opens bucket 2. Completing bucket 2 opens bucket 3. Completing bucket 3 opens the sibling category
• Recommendation for 3 levels per category, regardless of how many quizzes are in that category
Dashboard #1: Progress Screen
• The Progress screen would be triggered either by user action OR via an icon in the header of the My Profila section of the app (when on Categories tab)
• Progress screen ingredients:
• active categories with number of completed quizzes / total quizzes
• show relationship between active category and those that can be unlocked
• Zeke earned so far through quiz completion
• X in top right to close and return to previous screen
Dashboard #2 & #3: Wallet & Badges Earned
Wallet dashboard components
• LEFT IMAGE : initial Wallet design which needs to be improved and made full screen
• There are different stages of token vesting so the mockup is a generic view where there are 3 different kinds of token statuses
• invested (one’s purchased during ICO which are vesting) This should use some sort of VAULT icon to represent vested tokens
• Actively earned tokens in platform
Badges earned dashboard components
• RIGHT IMAGE : this is from Audible and is a simple screen showing the earned and yet-to-be earned badges.
• Earned badges are colored with name of badge below
• Unearned badges are grey-scale with name of badge below
The Smart Contract used for ZEKE payout will be made between:
• the person and the Brand and the Profila until a point (until the Brand pays to the person)
The Smart Contract will have the following information:
• Name, last name of the Person
• Profila unique identifier for this individual
• Name of the Brand
• Profila unique identifier for the brand
• The action (changing the level) that made the person earn / lock ZKT
• The amount of ZKT the person earned / locked
• The offer he/she got from the Brand based on the action (changing the level)
• The date/time of the action.
It could be more simple to keep ZEKE transactions in a database given that users will be paid monthly, however this solution does not scale
New Data
The answers to the various quizzes from users
Business release date
A rough timing for the planned release for the specification possibly resulting from this request.
The implementation of ZEKE as an incentive to complete quizzes is requested by Q4 2022