Flutter Project This is a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application built using Flutter and Firebase. The application allows you to manage employee data by creating, reading, updating, and deleting employee records in a Firebase Realtime Database.
- Create: Add new employee records to the Firebase database.
- Read: Retrieve and display existing employee records from the Firebase database.
- Update: Modify existing employee records in the Firebase database.
- Delete: Remove employee records from the Firebase database.
Flutter Installation: Ensure that you have Flutter installed on your development machine. You can follow the instructions on the official Flutter website for installation.
- Create a new Firebase project on the Firebase Console.
- Add a new Firebase Realtime Database to your project.
- Configure Firebase authentication (if needed) and make sure your security rules allow read and write access to your database.
- Copy your Firebase project configuration (google-services.json for Android or GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS) into your Flutter project under the appropriate directory.
Ensure that you have added the necessary dependencies for Firebase and Flutter in your pubspec.yaml file. You'll typically need packages like firebase_core, firebase_database, and firebase_auth.
Integrate Firebase initialization code in your Flutter application. This usually involves initializing Firebase in your main.dart file. Implement CRUD operations using Firebase Database API in your Flutter application.
- Running the Application: Connect your development device or emulator. Run the Flutter application using the flutter run command.
- Creating Records: Use the application interface to add new employee records. Provide necessary details such as employee name, ID, etc., and save the record to Firebase.
- Reading Records: View existing employee records fetched from the Firebase database. The application should display a list of employees with their details.
- Updating Records: Select a specific employee record from the list and choose the update option. Modify the employee details and save the changes to Firebase.
- Deleting Records: Choose a specific employee record to delete and confirm the deletion. The application should remove the selected employee record from the Firebase database.