Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
App name
Link to app
App version
Country of the app
Build Number
Device list
Pixel 8 Pro
Profile app tested in
Owner profile
Google Play installed?
Where did you install this app from?
Google Play Store
Google Play services Network permission revoked?
- Revoked
- Not revoked
- I did not have Google Play services installed
Native code debugging
- Allowed
- Blocked
Exploit protection compatibility mode
- Enabled
- Disabled
Memory tagging extension (MTE)
- Enabled
- Disabled
- N/A
Stock OS compatibility
- Works
- Does not work
- Not tested
NFC payments
- Works
- Works but requires another service
- Does not work
- N/A (Not supported by app)
- Not tested
Description of the app's functionality
Ability to sign in, see balances, convert money, withdraw money. All works perfectly.
Are there any extra notes you think users should know about?
I didn't try signing up in-app.
ADB logcat of the app if necessary
No response